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Andrew Yang: Calling WWE Stars Independent Contractors Is Ridiculous, Change Is Overdue

Taking to social media late Friday night, former U.S. Presidential Candidate Andrew Yang lambasted WWE for its classification of superstars as independent contracts. Yang said that if he isn’t Secretary of Labor in the future, he’ll seemingly find a way to talk about what he calls a “ridiculous” classification, while also taking WWE to task for controlling the names and likenesses of WWE superstars for years.

“If I’m not the Secretary of Labor I’m pretty confident I’ll have his or her number to talk about the ridiculous classification of WWE wrestlers as independent contractors while controlling their name and likeness for years, even for something as benign as Cameo,” Yang tweeted. “Come on Vince – you’ve already deprived the folks breaking their backs for you of healthcare, security, recovery time, retirement benefits and fair treatment re: licenses and royalties. At least let them make a living off their own names. Many of them need it.

“I grew up a wrestling fan and it’s been sad to see so many of my childhood heroes pass away early. I’d feel better knowing that they and their families were being fairly treated – I look forward to doing what I can for the next generation of performers. I know how tough it is. Vince you’d better hope your old friend Donald wins because change is in the air and changes are long overdue where your corrupt labor practices are concerned. It would give me great pleasure. The people know.”

RELATED: Report: Vince McMahon Says WWE Owns Superstars’ Real Names, Wants Them Off Cameo