WWE Friday Night Smackdown Results

WWE Friday Night SmackDown Results (11/27/20)

Backstage, Uso is telling Reigns that he told him that he’s got this. Reigns doesn’t look impressed. Owens barges in and tells Reigns he’s tired of Reigns’ family issues affecting everyone else on SmackDown. Owens storms off. Reigns tells Uso that Owens doesn’t look at him with fear. Uso needs to fix that.

Bianca Belair vs. Natalya 

Before the match starts, Bayley joins the commentary desk for some reason. Belair and Natalya trade pin attempts. Natalya avoids a spear from Belair. Natalya stomps Belair in the corner. Natalya suplexes Belair. Natalya tries another but Belair turns it into a small package. Discus clothesline by Natalya. Belair kicks out. Natalya puts Belair in a surfboard stretch. Belair surprises Natalya with a spear in the corner. Belair dumps Natalya out of the ring. Belair and Bayley argue. Belair swings at Natalya but Natalya ducks., Belair decks Bayley. Natalya sends Belair back into the ring. Belair kicks Natalya into Bayley, who jumped up on the apron. Belair rolls up Natalya for the win.

Winner- Bianca Belair

Murphy w/The Mysterio Family vs. King Corbin

Every time Corbin is about to get the advantage a member of the Mysterio Family stands in the way. Corbin tries the dipsey doo clothesline but Aalyah stands in his path. Corbin hits Deep Six but Mysterio rolls in the ring to break the referee’s count. Corbin is going nuts in frustration. Corbin hits the ropes and Dominik grabs his leg. Murphy knees Corbin in the face. Murphy pins Corbin but Corbin gets his foot on the rope. Dominik knocks Corbin’s foot off the rope. The referee counts to three.

Winner- Murphy

After the match, Corbin calls them all cowards and demands a rematch next week. Next week Corbin will be prepared.

Friday Night SmackDown Results Continue On The Next Page!


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