john cena

John Cena Had To Eat 31 Empanadas For A Scene In The Suicide Squad, ‘32 Would Have Been The Heave-Ho’

Remember the empanadas!

John Cena was part of a panel at CCXP 2020 for The Suicide Squad and talked about one particular scene that provided quite the challenge. Cena explained that he had to eat an empanada and he tried to do it in one take, but it ended up requiring 31 takes and almost made him puke in the process.

“There was a day where we shot on a rooftop where we’re all eating. I had to eat an empanada and I took it upon myself to try to eat the entire empanada in a seamless take, thinking that it’s gonna look great,” Cena explained, “but it was also a complicated shot for James. Thirty-one empanadas later, Jesus, we got it right.”

When director James Gunn, who was also on the panel, asked if he threw up later that night, Cena said one more probably would have done him in, but fans won’t care once they see the movie.

“I think 32 would have been the ‘heave-ho,’ but I was able to penguin waddle out of there and just relax and unbutton. But then people are going to see the movie and nobody’s going to care, so please—remember the empanadas!”

The Suicide Squad is scheduled for release on August 6, 2021.