WWE Fastlane Results

WWE Fastlane Results (3/21/21)

No Holds Barred Match: Drew McIntyre vs. Sheamus

McIntyre and Sheamus brawl out on the floor. McIntyre sends Sheamus into the ring post. McIntyre clears off the announce desk. Before McIntyre can take advantage, Sheamus hits him with a kendo stick. McIntyre launches Sheamus into the ring steps. Sheamus catches McIntyre with a running knee. Sheamus chokes McIntyre with a kendo stick. McIntyre headbutts his way out of it. McIntyre drives the point of the kendo stick into Sheamus’ eye. McIntyre charges in for a kendo stick shot but Sheamus drop toe holds him into the ringsteps.

McIntyre’s head lands with a sickening thud. Sheamus drives the upper portion of the ring steps into McIntyre’s head. Sheamus and McIntyre fight on the announce desk. McIntyre tosses Sheamus off the desk. Sheamus crawls into the crowd area. McIntyre follows. McIntyre and Sheamus trade strikes. Sheamus reverses McIntyre’s suplex into a suplex of his own on the concrete floor. McIntyre and Sheamus battle to the upper part of the Thunderdome. Sheamus lands a rolling senton. Sheamus tries it again but McIntyre escapes. McIntyre launches Sheamus through the barricade/LED board. Sheamus lands Brogue Kick. Sheamus fires up and hits white noise off the barricade through the announce desk. Sheamus drags McIntyre back into the ring. McIntyre hits the Claymore for the win.

Winner- Drew McIntyre

Randy Orton vs. Alexa Bliss

As Orton is posing on the ropes, he starts coughing up black stuff. Orton gets a towel from ringside to clean up. Orton yells for Bliss to get out here. Bliss joins Orton in the ring. There is a flash in the ring that sends Orton falling into the corner. Orton tries to charge Bliss but she moves and Orton eats the ring post. Bliss is standing outside the ring. Orton slowly approaches her. A stage light falls from the sky and almost crushes Orton. Bliss gets in the ring and tells Orton to join her. Orton is livid, screaming that Bliss is trying to kill him. Bliss blows Orton a kiss. Bliss throws a fireball at Orton, which Orton blocks with his hand. A hand comes out of the mat and grabs Orton’s leg. Orton pulls his leg away. The hole in the ring explodes. The Fiend appears. His mask and suit are all terribly burned. Bliss kicks Orton into the Fiend, who hits Sister Abigail. Bliss pins Orton.

Winner- Alexa Bliss


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