nxt takeover in your house

WWE NXT TakeOver: In Your House Results (6/13/21)

NXT Championship Match: Karrion Kross (c) w/Scarlett vs. Johnny Gargano vs. Kyle O’Reilly vs. Pete Dunne vs. Adam Cole

A brawl breaks out as soon as the bell rings. Kross ends up in the ring alone with Dunne. Kross suplexes Dunne. Dunne rolls out of the ring. O’Reilly rolls in and trades strikes with Kross. O’Reilly puts Kross in a kneebar. Kross powers out of it. Gargano springboards in the ring. Gargano tries to lock in the Gargano Escape. Kross tosses Gargano in the air but Gargano lands on his feet and chop blocks Kross. Kross suplexes Gargano. Cole sneaks up on Kross and takes out his knee. Gargano traps Cole in the apron. Dunne, Gargano, and O’Reilly all bear on Cole. Everyone swarms Kross. Kross takes everyone out. Kross suplexes Gargano and Dunne at the same time. O’Reilly puts Cole in an armbar. Dunne puts O’Reilly in an armbar. Gargano tries to break it up but Dunne bends O’Reilly and Gargano’s fingers. Kross grabs Dunne and powerbomb him on top of Gargano and O’Reilly. Kross goes after Cole on the ramp. Dunne kicks Kross’ in the elbow.

Dunne and Gargano push Kross through the door on the hour on the stage. Back in the ring, Cole lands a shining wizard on O’Reilly. Ushigoroshi by Cole. Dunne tries the Bitter End but Gargano reverses it into a DDT. Gargano lawn darts Dunne into Cole and O’Reilly in the corner. Everyone lands a big strike in the ring. Everyone is down. Cole and O’Reilly get to their feet and trade strike. Cole tries a basement superkick but O’Reilly catches Cole’s foot and locks in an ankle lock. Kross pulls O’Reilly out of the ring and slams him on the barricade. Kross suplexes Cole out on the floor. Kross slams Gargano and suplexes Dunne into the crowd onto Cole and O’Reilly. Kross slams Gargano on the apron. Kross brings Gargano back in the ring and hits a tornado F5. Gargano kicks out. Cole and Gargano trade moves in the ring. Gargano tries a slingshot spear but Cole superkicks him. Cole tries the Panama sunrise but Gargano turns it into a trash compactor. Cole kicks out. Cole kicks Dune in the face as Gargano hits a reverse ranna. Gargano breaks up O’Reilly’s pin with a double stomp. Kross gets back in the ring. Everyone tries a clothesline on Kross.

Everyone starts trading clotheslines, elbows, and boots. Kross runs through a kick by O’Reilly and responds with a lariat that turns O’Reilly inside out. Kross German suplexes Cole, O’Reilly, and Gargano. Kross tries to suplex Dunne but Dunne lands on his feet. Cole superkicks Kross on the apron. Cole and O’Reilly lock eyes. Cole and O’Reilly powerbomb Kross off the apron onto the announce desk. Dunne, Cole, O’Reilly, and Gargano trade strikes. Dunne and O’Reilly lock in submissions. Dunne and O’Reilly trade submissions. Gargano hits a slingshot spear on Dunne. Cole sends Gargano out of the ring and hits another Ushigorshi on O’Reilly. Dunne tries a backflip off the top but Gargano and Cole superkick Dunne out of the air. Gargano hits One final Beat on Cole. Cole kicks out. Gargano locks Cole and Dunne in the Gargano Escape. O’Reilly breaks it up with a running knee. O’Reilly drops Gargano with a brainbuster. O’Reilly goes up top but Cole pushes him off the top. Cole hits the Panama Sunrise on Gargano. Dunne pulls him out of the ring before the bell rings.

Dunne brainbusters Cole outside the ring. Kross and Dunne face off. Dunne German suplexes Kross. Dunne drops Kross with the Bitter End. Kross kicks out. Dunne locks Kross in a triangle. Everyone breaks up the hold. Kross hits a double Saito Suplex on Dunne and Cole. Kross elbows Cole in the back of the head. Kross puts Dunne in the Kross Jacket. Dunne snaps Kross’ fingers. Gargano breaks it up. Kross puts Gargano in the Kross Jacket. Cole breaks that up. O’Reilly drops the big knee on Kross. Cole breaks it up with a superkick. Cole superkicks everyone. O’Reilly locks Cole in his finish. Kross rolls back in the ring and locks O’Reilly in the Kross Jacket while he still has Cole trapped in the heel hook. O’Reilly cranks on Cole’s leg and Cole fights the urge to tap out. O’Reilly eventually passes out before Cole taps and the referee stops the match.

Winner and STILL NXT Champion, Karrion Kross!

In the Parker lot, Regal says in seven years he’s never seen so much bedlem. Regal thinks it’s time for a change. Regal walks away.


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