ring of honor

ROH Wrestling Results (7/5/21): Briscoes Fight On The Farm, Pure Title Match

Before their fight on the farm, The Briscoes discuss their past success and their recent issues. Mark wonders whether they’ll be able to get back on the same page after this battle. Jay says this fight will be just like their brawls when they were kids. Papa Briscoe shares his hope that , moving forward, the two brothers will be able to settle their differences and get back to being the best tag team in the world.

Fight on the Farm: Mark Briscoe vs. Jay Briscoe

Papa Briscoe escorts his sons into a ring. He tells them to fight like men. Jay shoves Mark, and the younger Briscoe stomps his brother repeatedly in the corner. Jay tries to hit Mark with a shovel, but Mark dodges and keeps stomping him. Mark punches Jay in the corner, but Jay sends him crashing off the top rope and through a table. The fight spills into the yard, and Jay drops Mark with a boot to the face. He hits his brother with the lid of a trash can and a metal trough.

Mark hits Jay below the belt and suplexes him through a wooden board. Mark sets up a ladder and climbs on top of an RV, and Jay follows him up. They punch each other on top of the vehicle, and Mark chokes Jay. The former ROH World Champion sends his brother tumbling off the RV and onto a tarp below. Jay puts Mark in the bed of a truck and drives him over to the chicken coop. Mark rallies and uses some rope to choke Jay out.

After he climbs up a tree, Mark dives off a building and hits a frog splash through a table on Jay. Papa Briscoe asks the brothers if they’re good yet, and he helps them back to the ring. Thw two brothers can barely walk, but he tells them to get it done.

The fight continues, and the brothers blast each other with stiff blows. Papa tells them to “get it all out”, and Jay says he’s good, but he drills Mark with another punch. A clothesline leaves both men down, and unable to get back on, they say they’re good. Papa says it’s time to get back to being business as the baddest tag team on the planet.

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