Kelsey Heather
Photo Credit: AEW

Kelsey Heather Had A ‘Lucky Coincidence’ With Simultaneous WWE Raw & AEW Appearances

When Kelsey Heather made history with appearances on WWE Raw and AEW Dark: Elevation in the same night, even she was surprised. The Florida native, now one of Bobby Lashley’s Ladies, laughingly calls it “just a lucky coincidence.”

Kelsey explained how she ended up on both pre-taped programs to Christy Olson on CHRISTYreports: All Access. “The Raw show was going to be airing on that next Monday. However, these Dark matches, you never know when [or if] they’re going to air.” She found out the night before, when AEW teased her match against Leyla Hirsch on Twitter. “I was like, oh, this is going to get interesting,” Kelsey recalls.

She didn’t expect either company to have a problem with her ‘pulling a Rick Rude.’ Kelsey says she was welcomed and treated well during her multiple WWE experiences and AEW debut, especially by the wrestlers.

“Bobby is just the best,” she says. “He is the nicest person ever…When [he and MVP] found out that I was a part of the indies, they were so great and offered me so many tips. MVP gave me some nuggets on how to build a promo, when someone hands you a promo how to break it down, little tips on matches, setting up matches, TV time, where to look for a camera, and different things .”

She got to work with veterans of the business at AEW too. “Dustin Rhodes [and Serena Deeb] helped put together our match, which I was very surprised at, that for Dark matches these big time producers and big names were the ones that were helping us…Even after the match, Mark Henry took the time to come up to both of us and break down the match with us, give us feedback.”

Shawn Spears was also keeping an eye out for the former pro cheerleader, as she trains at he and Tyler Breeze’s Flatbacks Wrestling School. Spears’ wife Cassie Lee, (recently released WWE Superstar Peyton Royce) is another of Kelsey’s mentors. “She is at our trainings almost every day. She does stuff in the ring with us. It’s really great, especially having a female coach with us, because the female body moves a lot differently than a man’s body.”

Despite her recent history making Kelsey is “fully invested” in continuing to train and grow. “My goal for this year is to really break out in the independent market and do as many matches as I can, get more experience.”

More experience than popping bottles with the WWE Champion and collaborating with Hall of Famers?! She’s just getting started!

Check out the full interview at

RELATED: Kelsey Heather Pulls A ‘Rick Rude’, Appears On RAW The Same Night As Her AEW Debut