WWE NXT Results

WWE NXT 2.0 Results (11/23/21)

Backstage, Cora Jade is with Raquel Gonzalez, Zoey Stark, and Io Shirai. Jade points out they need a fourth since Stark is hurt. Jade goes off to find them a final team member.

Cora Jade vs. Mandy Rose

Rose lands a spinebuster. Rose beats Jade into the corner. Suplex by Rose. Jade kicks out. Rose works over Jade. Jade fires up and lands a knee strike in the corner. Jade misses a dropkick off the top. Kay Lee Ray walks down to the ring with a bat. While Rose is distracted, Jade rolls up Rose for the win!

Winner- Cora Jade

Backstage, Hayes is with Trick Williams. Hayes says when he defends his title tonight, he won’t miss.

Backstage, Kay Lee Ray tells Jade and the others she’s going to be their fourth member and she is going to handle the advantage ladder match next week.

As LA Knight makes his way to the ring, Grayson Waller attacks him from behind. The two fight to the back. Joe Gacy says he is going to take this time to speak to the audience. Diamond Mine interrupts. Malcolm Bivens tells Gacy to get the hell out of the ring. Gacy says he has no respect for Roderick Strong.

His name is a symbol of toxic masculinity. Strong says he wants Gacy in the ring. Bivens says he will get the match booked and Strong will beat Gacy like a Lil Jon track, YEAH. Bivens tells Julius and Brutus to take out the trash. Before they can get to Gacy, Harland appears behind him. Bivens back off.

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