nyla rose
Photo Credit: All Elite Wrestling

Nyla Rose Writing New ‘Giant-Size X-Men’ One-Shot For Marvel Comics

Nyla Rose is set to enter the Marvel universe.

Marvel Comics announced Nyla Rose is one of the featured writers on the upcoming X-Men comic book, Giant-Size X-Men: Thunderbird #1. The book is set for release on April 27, and it features the story of John Proudstar, aka Thunderbird, who made his first appearance in comics back in Giant-Size X-Men #1 in May 1975).

This one-shot sees Nyla, writer Steve Orlando and artist David Cutler team up to tell the story of Thunderbird, who has Native American (Apache) ancestry and exhibits superhuman abilities. Known as the “Native Beast” in professional wrestling, Nyla Rose has African-American and Native American heritage, with her Native ancestry coming from the Oneida tribe.

From Marvel:

The world John Proudstar has returned to is completely different from the one he once knew. Looking to find refuge in the familiar, Thunderbird seeks out someone from his past at an Apache reservation…and uncovers a horrifying threat to the Indigenous mutant community. Will Thunderbird be able to save his people? Or will his justified rage lead him astray?

“At last, the news is out! GIANT-SIZE X-MEN: THUNDERBIRD is coming, and I couldn’t be prouder to be a part of it! But this book wouldn’t exist without the incredible work of Nyla Rose and David Cutler, who are joining me on this blockbuster to tell a Thunderbird story that’s as raw, real, and riveting as possible,” Orlando said. “With their invaluable help, we’re taking Thunderbird on a two-fisted quest to reunite with his family and carve out a place for himself in this brave, new, Krakoan era. The world has changed while Thunderbird was away. The threats might’ve gotten more complex, but Thunderbird’s still sure there’s not a problem out there he can’t solve with his own two hands.”

Read More: Nyla Rose Super-Focused In AEW Eliminator Tournament, Proud Of 2021 Run

Check out the main cover below:


giant size xmen thunderbird marvel
Photo Credit: Marvel

Nyla Rose spoke with WrestleZone about the depth of AEW’s women’s division and how it’s become one of the company’s strengths. Asked what the biggest gain from seeing more talent come in was for her as a performer, Nyla said that she not only gets to test herself, but it’s good to see a variety of talent coming in as well.

“Honestly, it’s kind of a little bit of all of that. Everybody is such a unique, strong personality. It’s such a beautiful thing to see that everyone is like this very unique ingredient for this delicious dish that we’re making. So getting to just play in the kitchen, if you will, and combine these different ingredients and see what you come up with — having different match styles, you know, someone like a Kris Statlander, a Riho, Hikaru Shida,” Nyla explained, “just the difference in variation from person to person is so vast. It’s an incredible thing to watch these matches come together.”

Check out the full interview with Nyla Rose at this link.