beth phoenix
Photo Credit: WWE

Beth Phoenix Helps Edge Pick Up Win Over The Miz At WWE Day 1

Edge said that he would walk into WWE Day 1 and embarrass The Miz, and he did just that thanks to the help of his wife, Beth Phoenix.

In a brutal and chaotic back-and-forth match, Edge — who arrived at the pay-per-view in his Brood costume and theme song — took home the win, after Phoenix interfered late. Towards the end of the match, Phoenix chased away Maryse — who was trying to interfere and help out The Miz — allowing Edge to land a big Spear on his opponent and rival for the win.

A full recap of the match from our play-by-play coverage is below:

Edge enters using the Brood theme. Miz lands a hip toss and acts like he just won the Super Bowl. Edge almost traps Miz in the crossface. Miz retreats to the corner. After a distraction from Maryse, Miz sends Edge into the ring post. Mz works over Edge. Edge fires back with a few rights. miz sends Edge into the corner. Miz ends up getting hung up in the corner after Edge avoids whatever that move he attempted was. Reverse DDT by Edge. Edge is favoring his left leg. After a series of counters, Miz kicks Edge in the knee and hits a DDT.

Edge kicks out. Edge trips Miz on the apron. Before miz can respond, Edge pulls Miz off the apron into an implant DDT. Edge sends Miz back in the ring and gets a near fall. Miz takes control and slams Edge’s head into the commentary desk over and over again. Miz sets up a Skull Crushing Finale on the commentary desk. Edge reverses it into a facebuster on the desk. Miz and Edge trade pin attempts.

Miz launches Edge into the ring post. Chop block by Miz. Miz locks Edge in the Figure Four. Edge reverses the hold. Miz almost turns it into an STF. Somehow, Miz manages to slingshot Edge into the turnbuckle. Miz pins Edge with his feet on the ropes. The referee sees it and stops the count. Edge wrestles Miz into a crossface. Maryse puts Miz’s foot on the rope. The referee didn’t see it. Miz and Edge boot each other in the face at the same time. Miz goes up top. Edge cuts him off and hits a hip toss. Miz acts as if he hurt his knee.

In the confusion, Maryse clocks Edge. Skull Crushing Finale by Miz. Edge kicks out of Miz’s pin. Miz looks towards the stage and looks like he’s scene a ghost. Maryse gets on the apron. Miz points at the stage and Beth Phoenix is standing there. Beth power walks to the ring and chases Maryse away. In the confusion, Edge Spears miz for the win.

Winner- Edge

Read More: WWE Day 1 Results (1/1/22)