tony khan
Photo Credit: All Elite Wrestling (via YouTube)

Tony Khan Plans To Continue Weekly ROH Show, Supercard Of Honor Will Run Head-To-Head With Rampage

Tony Khan has big plans for Ring of Honor.

During Tony Khan’s weekly segment “Tony Time” on Busted Open Radio with Dave LeGreca and Mark Henry, Khan confirmed that Ring of Honor Supercard would go head-to-head with AEW Rampage on April 1. He also revealed that he plans to make Ring of Honor a weekly series following the big event, whether it be on television or streaming.

“It’s going to be a very unusual circumstance on AEW Rampage in two weeks is the — let’s say a crowded day in pro wrestling,” Tony Khan said. “It wouldn’t have been my first choice for the scheduling necessarily, but I haven’t had a chance to talk about it publicly. So I thought it would be great to address with you guys today. In two weeks, it’ll be a very crowded Friday of wrestling. I had not scheduled this pay-per-view, the Ring of Honor Supercard. But I really think it’s important for me because they sold tickets and made a commitment to the fans to still do the show.

“And I see it as a transitional show in many ways that I’m really excited about because it is the first show under the new management, and it’s also a transition show before I will relaunch what I hope to be a really great new Ring of Honor television product, a weekly series, wherever it does air or stream, and this is a great opportunity to put our own stamp on it but also pay respect to the great Ring of Honor traditions and the great history of Ring of Honor with some of the top stars from recent Ring of Honor and some of the great wrestlers who have been in Ring of Honor, historically. Am I going to be able to take everybody from AEW and bring them there? No, but I think there is a very cool way to use some of the great wrestlers in AEW who are going to be available and make this a great show.

“We have some of the best wrestlers, best athletes in the world already in AEW. And Ring of Honor has a great tradition and some great matches. Not just in their library from the past, but also very recently. So I am really excited about this. Now it’s a unique circumstance because there’s other stuff on TV that night, including AEW Rampage, so it’s gonna be unusual because I’m effectively in two places at once. And so it’ll be one of those bizarre, hopefully, memorable nights in pro wrestling. I would never compete with my own show. So it’s going to be a very different night because we’re making a one-night-only, one-time-only exception.

“I’m really grateful for the great partnership we have with WarnerMedia. In general, I just think it’s been really good for the wrestling fans to have wrestling back on TNT and now on TBS. For almost 20 years, it wasn’t there. And I think it’s just great for the fans that we have that. It just feels right. And the partnership has been so good. And they’ve been so cool that they were open to me doing this, understanding that it’s a great opportunity for AEW and potentially for WarnerMedia in the future too. I hope with the possibilities with the Ring of Honor streaming library of past historic content, but also in the future with making new Ring of Honor content that I was able to get their permission to do this show. Even though Ring of Honor, the prior management had scheduled it opposed to Rampage on Friday night, April 1.

“So I am going to announce more for the card. I’m really excited about it. I’ll make it the best card I can for Ring of Honor while still respecting AEW and our agreements with WarnerMedia and keeping AEW a top priority also. So I’m really excited about it. And hopefully, you guys will be able to catch the show, and I really hope everybody will be able to watch both Supercard of Honor from Ring of Honor on April 1 on pay-per-view but also watch Rampage on TNT and hopefully watch one record one or however it’s most convenient for the fans. So that’s going to be an exciting Friday night for us in two weeks also.”

READ MORE: The Briscoes To Defend ROH Tag Titles AT ROH Supercard Of Honor

What do you make of Tony Khan’s comments? Are you excited to hear that Ring of Honor Supercard will proceed as scheduled? Let us know your thoughts by sounding off in the comments section below.

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