TERMINUS Modern Age Grappling
Image Credit: TERMINUS

Modern Age Grappling Results (5/22/22): Jonathan Gresham And More Compete

“Modern Age Grappling” debuted with an action-packed show at the Underground FITE Factory in Hampton, Georgia, on May 22.

Jonathan Gresham, Josh Woods, and other noteworthy competitors, wrestled at the event.

The results are as follows:

Josh Woods vs. Will Ferrara

Woods and Ferrara feel each other out. “The Tactical Beast” takes his opponent to the mat and grounds him. Ferrara targets Woods’ arm, but the former ROH Pure Champion has the strength advantage, so he fights his way back to his feet. Woods takes Ferrara down and goes for his leg. They trade arm-bars until the end of the first round. Woods sends Ferrara tumbling across the ring to start the second round. He takes him down again with a throw and wrenches his arm. Ferrara snaps Woods’ arm on the ropes and continues to zero in on it. He dominates the remainder of the second round by wrenching Woods’ arm in a variety of holds.

Round three starts, and Woods tries to protect his arm from Ferrara, to no avail. A standing arm-bar inflicts more punishment on the wounded limb. Ferrara drives his knee into the arm. Woods counters a pin attempt and makes Ferrara tap out to a cross arm breaker.

Winner: Josh Woods

Jonathan Gresham vs. Invictus Khash

Gresham and Khash feel each other out. Khash has the size and strength advantage, but Gresham’s technical expertise is evident early and often. Gresham hits a monkey flip, but Khash holds on to the arm and continues to twist it. “The Octopus” drops the big man with a single-leg takedown. Khash continues to focus on his opponents arm. Gresham takes Khash down again and wrenches his leg. Khash continues to hold his own with Gresham, and they trade holds until the end of the first round. The second round begins, and Gresham accidentally goes high and thumbs Khash in the eye. He apologizes, and the two men continue to exchange holds. Gresham painfully twists Khash like a pretzel and twists his leg. He keeps stretching the big man, but Khash counters a bow and arrow attempt to get back to his feet.

Gresham grounds Khash and keeps attacking his legs until the conclusion of the second round. Khash takes the fight to Gresham with a series of stiff strikes to open the third round. Gresham fires back, and the big man responds with more blows. This flurry gives Khash more momentum, but Gresham traps him in an ankle lock. “The Octopus” chops Khash’s thigh. He puts him in a knee-bar, and they trade blows again. Gresham goes for a leg-lock, and Khash prevents it. “The Octopus” twists Khash’s hand at an unnatural ankle to close the third round.

Both men come out with plenty of fire to kick off the fourth round, and Gresham takes the win with a rapid pin attempt.

Winner: Jonathan Gresham 

After the match, in an interview with commentator Colt Cabana, Gresham praises Khash as a grappler and discusses his victory. When asked about his poke to the eye and some of his tactics, Gresham makes it clear it was an accident. He hopes the fans and Khash can forgive him.

Baron Black vs. Adam Priest

Black and Priest feel each other out. They’re evenly matched early on, but Priest gains the upper hand. Black turns it around on him, and they trade blows as the first round comes to an end. They keep exchanging blasts to open the second round. Black hits a rolling clothesline and an exploder suplex. Priest gets a two count with a German suplex. Black makes Priest tap out to an innovative arm-bar.

Winner: Baron Black

Brian Johnson vs. Rhett Titus

Johnson talks some trash before the match starts. Titus takes him down, but they trade holds. Titus takes control and does push-ups to show off. The former ROH World Television slaps Johnson’s chest. Titus maintains the advantage for the rest of the first round. He talks trash to kick off the second round. “The Mecca” takes Titus down with a headlock. He gains momentum with a brief flurry of offense. Titus takes control again, but a thumb to the eye swings the contest back in Johnson’s favor. Titus gets a two count with a belly-to-belly suplex. Johnson goes to the outside to take a moment and collect himself. Titus hits some shoulder strikes, but Johnson blasts him with a closed first to conclude the second round.

Johnson takes the fight to Titus with a series of strikes to begin the third round. “The Mecca” crotches Titus on the ropes and hits the Tower of London for a two count. Titus gets a two count with a roll-up. Johnson plants him with a Brainbuster. Titus drills “The Mecca” with two running boots in the corner for a two count. Johnson hits a splash and argues with the referee when he gets a two count. Titus drops Johnson with a spinning slam for a near fall. Titus hits his signature dropkick, but the round ends during the attempted pin fall. Johnson is completely out, and the corner man helps him get up. Round four begins, and Titus hits another running boot. Johnson stacks Titus up after he slips in a pool of water and pulls on the tights to get the win.

Winner: Brian Johnson

In a post-match interview, Cabana questions Johnson’s win, as he bent the rules. Johnson notes that Cabana didn’t wrestle tonight; he was on commentary. “The Mecca” says he belongs in the main event. Cabana asks Johnson showcase clean professional wrestling. Johnson says all that matters is that he got the win, and he’ll show everyone that it’s Mecca versus Everybody. Johnson drops Cabana with a cheap shot. he says he’ll step up and step out. Cabana attacks Johnson and sends him running.

He then says he’s a believer in Modern Age Grappling, and the fans didn’t appreciate Johnson’s “Bozo style.” Cabana announces that the next show is June 30 and challenges him to a match. Johnson accepts the challenge.

WrestleZone will have coverage of the show as it airs.

RELATED: Modern Age Grappling 2 Announced For 6/30, Brian Johnson vs. Colt Cabana Set For The Show