WWE Raw Results

WWE RAW Results (5/30/22)

Championship Contender’s Match: The Usos (c) vs. Riddle and Shinsuke Nakamura

Nakamura and Riddle double team Jimmy. Riddle flattens Jimmy with an assisted floating bro. Jimmy kicks out. Jimmy tags in Jey. Nakamura and Riddle land kick after kick to Jey. After a distraction from Jey, Jimmy manages to choke Riddle with the middle rope. The Usos take turns working over Riddle. Riddle manages to tag in Nakamura. Nakamura takes out both Usos.

Sliding German suplex by Nakamura. Jimmy kicks out after Nakamura lands a diving knee off the top. Nakamura calls for the Kinshasa. Jey distracts Nakamura long enough for Jimmy to hit a superkick. Jey lands the Uso Splash. Riddle breaks up the pin. After the break, Nakamura is getting beat down by the Usos. Nakamura manages to tag in Riddle. Riddle lands a broton. Riddle sets up a hangman’s DDT.

Check out last week’s coverage: WWE Raw Results (5/23/22)

Nakamura gets a blind tag as Riddle is dumped off the apron. Jimmy tries a dive but ends up getting obliterated by a Kinshasa. Jey breaks up the pin. Riddle tags in as Nakamura is knocked onto the apron. Riddle finally hits the hangman’s DDT. Jey blocks the RKO. Jimmy hits Riddle in the head with his own scooter causing a disqualification.

Winners- Riddle and Shinsuke Nakamura

Nakamura gets tossed into the ring post by Jey. The Usos set up a double Uce in the ring. Nakamura knocks Jimmy off the turnbuckle. Riddle hops up to Jey’s turnbuckle and hits a Super RKO.

Liv Morgan vs. Rhea Ripley

When the bell finally rings, Morgan and Ripley tear into each other. Morgan runs into a headbutt by Ripley. Ripley picks up Morgan but Morgan turns it into a sleeper. Ripley tosses Morgan away. Morgan trips Ripley into the ropes. Morgan walks into a boot. Ripley is sent out of the ring. Morgan tries a diving ranna off the apron. Ripley catches her and swings her head into the barricade. Ripley calls Morgan pathetic as we cut to a commercial.

After the break, AJ Styles and Damian Priest have both walked down to ringside. Ripley continues her assault on Morgan. Morgan sends Ripley into the ring post. Morgan lands a crossbody off the top to the outside area. Ripley hits the floor with a thud. Morgan tries her finish but Priest hooks Ripley’s pants to stop the momentum. Ripley rolls Morgan up. Morgan kicks out. Styles attacks Priest. Morgan reverses Riptide into a pin for the win.

Winner- Liv Morgan

Contract Signing

Adam Pearce is officiating the contract signing. Bobby Lashley is out first. Omos and MVP not soon after. Lashley and Omos stare holes through each other. MVP grabs a mic and says it didn’t have to come to this. MVP says he created Lashley and this Sunday at Hell in a Cell it comes to an end once and for all. Lashley says she never needed him. MVP tells Lashley to shut up and sign the contract. Lashley says a handicap match isn’t a disadvantage to him.

He’s going to send Omos and MVP straight to hell. MVP says they aren’t going to wait for Sunda. Everyone stands up. Lashley tosses the table out of the ring. Security hits the ring. Lashley and Omos dispatch all of the security. Before Omos and Lashley can face off, Cedric Alexander attacks Lashley from behind. Omos sets up a table. Lashley Spears him through the table.



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