OUT IN THE RING Wins Award for Best Canadian Feature At 2022 Inside Out 2SLGBTQIA+ Film Festival

Following a successful appearance at the Inside Out 2SLGBTQIA+ Film Festival in Toronto, the documentary OUT IN THE RING has taken home the prize of Best Canadian Feature (via Criticologos).

The award was given to director and producer Ry Levey, with the film’s look at pro wrestling’s history of queer representation premiering at the festival earlier this month.

“Inside Out was the first film festival I attended after coming out 25 years ago,” said Levey of the win. “To have it come full circle and win this prize with my first feature film is a true privilege.”

OUT IN THE RING explores the rise and history of LGBTQ+ professional wrestlers and representation in the sport. Using a combination of interviews with LGBTQ+ wrestling talent, allies and historians, OUT IN THE RING uncovers the unique history of the industry and the rise of visibility for performers and fans around the world.

RELATED: LGBTQ+ Wrestling Documentary OUT IN THE RING Premieres Online