Diamond Dallas Page DDP
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Diamond Dallas Page Working On Scripted Theatrical Version Of ‘The Resurrection of Jake the Snake’

Diamond Dallas Page has had his fair share of accomplishments in and out of the ring. Aside from being a multi-time world champion and WWE Hall of Famer, Page has helped transform lives with his DDP Yoga program. He notably helped fellow Hall of Famer Jake “The Snake” Roberts get clean from alcoholism, which was later displayed in the 2015 documentary, The Resurrection of Jake the Snake. Now, it appears Page is far from done with the silver screen. During a recent interview with Tyler Treese for ComingSoon.net, Diamond Dallas Page revealed he’s working on turning Roberts’ story into a feature film.

“What I’ve been working was one of my own projects. If anybody has ever seen The Resurrection of Jake the Snake, in 2014, we released that. That’s a documentary that’s [got] a lot of power to it. Recently, I’ve been approached about making that a movie — a scripted movie that’ll end up on a big screen, and they love the story. So that’s something I’m super excited about,” Page said.

Another project Diamond Dallas Page has in the works is filmed in the same house where Roberts received his treatment under DDP’s guidance. A docu-series titled Change or Die follows five people who are brought into the house for their own personal transformations as it relates to addiction. Page explained that DDP Yoga isn’t just about doing workouts, but it’s about eating right, cooking, and revolves around inspirational messages to hold people accountable. One of the people involved is Marcus “Buff” Bagwell.

“Do you remember Butterbean? The boxer? So bad that he was walking around like this, like could not get past there, couldn’t do this. His back, his hips, everything were super bad and they wouldn’t operate on him until he got under 300, but he hadn’t been under 300 since he was in eighth grade. So that challenge was with him and trying to heal him. When you see where he is at today, it’ll blow your mind. Another person was Marcus “Buff” Bagwell and his dealing was with addiction and being overweight, but the weight wasn’t anything that was getting him how to eat real food and getting him to change that story because he didn’t think he was an addict. The stuff that we have is unbelievable. And where Marcus is today is unbelievable. It’s kind of like happened with Jake.”

In addition to Butterbean, Bagwell, and two women, a young kid by the name of Taylor Sours will be featured as the “heartbeat” of the show. Page explained that he received a text from a friend telling him about a kid who was trying to lose weight and was documenting it on TikTok. Page’s friend wanted to buy Sours a one-year subscription to the DDP Yoga app, but Page had other plans.

“I said, ‘I think I might have something better. Get his phone number.’ So he got his phone number, gave it to one of my producers who works for me, Nadia. Nadia interviewed him. She calls me up and she said, ‘Dallas, we have to have this kid.’ I said, ‘Okay, bring him in. He’s number five.’ So he gets there, he thinks he’s 466 pounds because of the scale that he has at home. When you look up and down and you look at the scale and you’re over 400 pounds, the needle does this back and forth. So you really don’t get a true rating. But he really believed he was 466. He felt he was losing weight, he felt better.”

“Then he’s looking down at the scale, because when everybody comes in, we weigh them, measure them, and went through the whole lineup for what we needed for later on in the show. He’s looking down, I go, ‘Stop looking down. The scale’s going to talk to you.’ He goes, ‘It’s what?’ I go, ‘It’s going to talk to you.’ I said, ‘Just stand there.’ And then it says 513 pounds. And he just broke down, started crying. I was like, ‘Bro, look at it this way. It’s not 583 pounds. So this is the beginning. This is it.’ I go, ‘It’s going to change.’ And his transformation was unbelievable over a four month period. But remember, I told you we keep filming and as we keep filming and following, we realize that he is a food addict. If you’re in any kind of addiction issues, you lie, you steal, you cheat. It goes with every addiction. I know, I’ve been around enough of it my entire life. He needed to do stuff on his own rehab, as well as Marcus. The results that have come out of it, like these stories we have, are unbelievable.”