WWE Raw Results

WWE Raw Results (12/19/22)

Bayley w/Dakota Kai and Iyo Sky vs. Becky Lynch

Lynch and Bayley trade submission attempts. After a series of counters, Lynch slaps Bayley in the face. Lynch sends Bayley flying out of the ring. Diving axe handle by Lynch. Bayley and Lynch fight on the apron. After the break, Bayley and Lynch trade strikes. Becksploder by Lynch. Leg drop by Lynch. Bayley kicks out.

Bayley hits the Bayley-to-Belly. Lynch kicks out. Lynch fights out of the Rose plant. Bayley kicks out of diamond dust. Bayley kicks out. Kai and Sky get invovled. Lynch grabs a monitor as a weapon. The referee ejects Kai and Sky. In the confusion, Bayley hits Lynch with the monitor. Rose Plant by Bayley. Bayley pins Lynch.

Winner- Becky Lynch

The Usos vs. Seth “Freakin” Rollins and Kevin Owens

Before the bell rings, a brawl breaks out. Rollins and Owens beat down Jey. Jimmy cheapshots Owens while the referee’s back is turned. The Usos work over Owens. After the break, Rollins manages to tag in Rollins as Jey is tagged in on the other side. Rollins hits a flying elbow. Backbreaker by Rollins. Double crossbody by Rollins. Jey superkicks Rollins. Owens flattens Jimmy with a frog splash. Jimmy kicks out.

Jimmy gets his knees up as Owens tries a swanton. Sikoa hops the barricade. Gallows and Anderson run down to ringside and attack Sikoa. Rollins takes everyone out with a dive. Rollins Stomps Jey outside the ring. Theory appears out of thin air and clocks Rollins with the United States Championship. Owens runs right into a Superkick. Owens kicks out. Owens hits the pop-up powerbomb for the win.

Winners- Seth Rollins and Kevin Owens

Zayn tries a sneak attack, but Owens turns around. The two have a staredown. Owens unwraps his wrist. Zayn rolls out of the ring.


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