wwe elimination chamber 2023

WWE Elimination Chamber Results (2/18/23)

Undisputed WWE Universal Championship Match: Roman Reigns (c) w/Paul Heyman vs. Sami Zayn

Zayn’s wife is in the first row. The bell rings, and Reigns and Zayn stare each other down. The crowd is going nuts. Reigns and Zayn trade headlocks. Reigns runs over Zayn with a shoulder block. An “FU Roman” chant breaks out. Zayn sends Reign over the top. Tope by Zayn. Zayn sends Reigns back into the ring. Corner punches by Zayn. Reigns stumbles around the ring. Zayn lands an elbow to the crown of Reigns head. Zayn tries another, but Reigns catches him with a right hand.

Zayn rolls out of the ring. Reigns works over Zayn outside the ring. Zayn tries to fire back. Reign cuts him off with an uppercut. Zayn stumbles into the corner. Reigns clotheslines Zayn over and over again before dumping him out of the ring. Zayn and near his wife. Reigns tells Zayn’s wife that this is Zayn’s fault. They were supposed to be a family. She fires back that Zayn loved him. Reigns sends Zayn back into the ring. Zayn springboard leapfrogs over Reigns and floors him with a lariat. Zayn goes up top.

Reigns cuts him off and sets up a superplex. Zayn counters with a sunset flip powerbomb. Reigns kicks out. Zayn sets up a blue thunder bomb, but Reigns reverses it into a Rock Bottom. Zayn kicks out. Reigns calls for the Superman Punch. Zayn counters with an exploder suplex into the corner. Reigns counter the Helluva Kick with a Superman Punch. Zayn kicks out. Reigns tries a Spear. Zayn leaps over him and hits a Superman Punch. Helluva Kick by Zayn. Reigns kicks out at 2.99. Reigns crawls into the corner. Zayn tries another Helluva Kick, but Reigns rolls out of the ring.

Check out last week’s coverage: WWE SmackDown Results (2/17/23)

Zayn tries his patented rope dive DDT, but Reigns decks him in mid-air. Reigns tries to Spear Zayn through the barricade, but Zayn moves. Reigns crashes through the barricade. Zayn sends Reigns back into the ring and finally hits the blue thunder bomb. Reigns kicks out again. Reigns drives Zayn into the referee. Zayn lands another Helluva Kick, but there is no referee. Jimmy Uso runs down to the ring and superkicks Zayn three times. Uso Splash by Jimmy. Jimmy drags Reigns on top of Zayn. A new referee runs down to the ring. Zayn kicks out. Reigns badmouths Zayn. Zayn avoids a Superman Punch. Reign almost hits the referee. Jimmy gets back on the apron, Zayn boots Jimmy off the apron. Zayn turns around and gets Speared by Reigns.

Zayn kicks out! Reigns yells at Zayn, telling him to stay down. Reigns slaps Zayn over and over again. Reigns accidentally Superman Punches the referee. Zayn Superman Punches Reigns. Reigns Superman Punches Zayn. Heyman hands Reigns a chair. Jey Uso hops the barricade and gets in the ring. Reigns and Jey go face-to-face. Jey glares at Zayn. Reigns holds out the chair for Jey to take. The crowd chants, “no!” Jey takes the chair and stands as if he’s going to hit Reigns. Reigns tells Jey he’s wasting his time and takes the chair back. Reigns mushes Jey. Zayn tries to Spear Reigns, but he moves. Zayn almost cuts Jey in half with a Spear. Reigns hits Zayn with the chair. Spear by Reigns. Reigns pins Zayn.

Check out last week’s coverage: WWE Raw Results (2/13/23)

Winner and STILL Undisputed WWE Universal Champion, Roman Reigns!

After the match, Jimmy attacks Zayn. Kevin Owens music hits. Owens walks to the ring. Jimmy tries to cut him off but gets quickly dispatched. Owens Stuns Reigns and Jimmy. Heyman gets in the ring and “attacks” Owens from behind. Owens turns around and drops Heyman with a Stunner. Reigns gets to his feet. Owens turns to Zayn. Owens moves out of the way so Zayn can Helluva Kick Reigns. Owens walks away as Zayn stares him down.



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