Gable Steveson
Photo by JACK GUEZ/AFP via Getty Images

Gable Steveson Hopes To Compete In 2024 Olympics, WWE Debut Is ‘Really Soon’

Gable Steveson has some big dreams he wants to accomplish over the next couple of years.

Steveson recently sat down with Damon Martin of MMA Fighting to discuss a wide variety of subjects. When asked about what he sees for himself in the future, Steveson would potentially like to win a second gold medal at the 2024 Olympics as a WWE Superstar.

“I miss being on the mats,” Gable Steveson said. “I miss showcasing my skills every year and going out there and putting on a good show and going out there and winning the national tournament. I miss it.

“I still have that competitive fire and hope to get back out there really soon. I know the Olympics is next year and I hope to be a part of that and keep moving forward and keep winning big titles for the USA also. I would love a second run. I feel I have a lot more left in the tank to showcase.

“I want to prove USA right and keep moving forward overall and become one of the best American amateur wrestlers ever, and I hope I can achieve the Bruce Baumgartner status of having a bunch of medals and having the accolades to show and be a part of WWE and be an entertainer, too.”

When asked if WWE would allow him to take the time away to compete in the 2024 Olympics, Steveson said he’s unsure how his schedule will play out but believes he’s up for the challenge.

“I think that’s a discussion when that time comes and that’s a discussion for how my schedule may play out, and you never know how it may play out,” Gable Steveson said. “As of right now, it’s a yes or no, but at the end of the day, I will be ready to compete and put on a good show as always. I’m hoping [to return to the Olympics].

“I will be ready if that time comes and I won’t stop being ready until I know if I can go and if I get that yes or no. It would be really amazing [to win a second gold medal] and I hope it happens and I hope I can do that. I feel if there’s someone who can do it, it’s me. I’ve got that burning passion to keep doing it. I believe in myself to the fullest. I’m 22 and next year I’ll be 23 at the Olympic games.

“It’s definitely a blessing to be able to call yourself an Olympic gold medalist and to be able to have the WWE fans recognize you with that, but in my eyes, there’s always a next and there’s always a bigger show to accomplish. WWE is another show to accomplish, but being a two-time Olympic gold medalist is also on the top of my list. It’s a blessing to do it and it’s unheard of, but I love the challenge and I love the fight.”

When asked about his impending in-ring debut for WWE, Steveson said he be he’ll be debuting very soon and placed the timetable sometime after WrestleMania 39.

“I’m pretty close to debuting and being on-screen,” Gable Steveson said. “I’m just waiting for that call and waiting for that time. Some days it’s stressful because I never know when it will come and I’m used to amateur wrestling where it’s like, ‘Hey, we have the Olympics in three months or we have the Olympic trials in two months, be ready for it.

“Right now, you’re going through the motions with no goal, and I wish I could have that goal in sight and put forth and give people real answers when I’m debuting, but it will be coming really, really soon. And when I mean really, really soon, probably after [WrestleMania] or just a little bit after that. I think being able to understand that this game is different and it’s a process and I’m going to follow the process the right way and just keep moving forward.”

READ MORE: Kurt Angle On The Possibility Of Doing More With Gable Steveson In WWE: You Never Know

What do you make of Gable Steveson’s comments? Do you think WWE should allow him to participate in the 2024 Olympics? Let us know your thoughts by sounding off in the comments section below.