Jade Cargill
Photo Credit: WWE

Jade Cargill On Joining WWE: I Want To Create A Legacy, It’s A No-Brainer

Jade Cargill shares her thoughts on joining WWE. She says she wants to create a legacy and make a name for herself.

Former TBS Champion Jade Cargill officially signed with WWE on September 26, and the wrestling world continues to buzz about the move.

Speaking on The Ringer Wrestling Show, Jade Cargill was asked to describe how it felt to call herself a WWE Superstar.

“It feels great. I feel like I was just in preparation for the grand stage,” Jade Cargill said. “I felt like this was always the mission, I felt the shoe fit, I felt like this was gonna happen. This is all expected, so I’m excited to be here.”

Cargill was also asked about her WWE tryout before she signed with AEW. She noted that she bet on herself, and it paid off.

“One thing I am is a businesswoman, and I think I made the best route at the time,” she said. “WWE is a great company, but I took what I had, and I bet on myself. The outcome obviously paid off.”

Jade Cargill On Making The Move To WWE

Jade Cargill was also asked about leaving AEW and when she knew it was time to make a change. She stated that she wants to create a legacy, and the decision was a no-brainer.

“I want to create a legacy, I want to be in the Hall of Fame,” Cargill said. “I want to wrestle with the best women in the world. There’s no grander stage than this stage. The opportunities are endless for this company. It’s a no-brainer. It was very welcoming. I didn’t have any second thoughts about it all, it was the easy choice. It wasn’t easy, but it was easy.”

It is not known when Cargill will debut on WWE TV. WrestleZone will provide more information as it becomes available.

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