b3cca fergie

B3CCA Always Commits To A Bit, Fergie Was A Hero For Peeing Her Pants On Stage

B3CCA is an international pop star and accomplished pro wrestler.

Fergie was a hero for peeing her pants on stage. (It’s true.)

The Black Eyed Peas were running late to a 2005 performance in San Diego. They rushed to the stage, and Fergie had to pee. The band started performing, and Fergie eventually pissed herself on stage. The moment was of course caught on camera, and its lived in infamy ever since then.

Fergie later said that her full bladder, the rush to the stage and adrenaline is the cause for her embarrassing photo-op, but it’s a “normal human thing.”

B3CCA recently posted a tribute to the moment on Twitter.

Of course, I had to ask the important question on everyone’s mind — was this staged, or did she shoot piss her pants for the photo?

“I always commit to a bit,” B3CCA replied.

Incredible Fits

WrestleZone recently spoke with B3CCA about her impeccable fashion sense and asked who she would put on her personal Mount Rushmore of fashion icons. ‘Double J’ Jeff Jarrett and Guilia made the cut from pro wrestling, while she picked two more icons from the pop culture world to round out the list.

“I think wrestling-wise, I’m gonna start with Jeff Jarrett. Just incredible fits. Just wow. Underrated wrestling fits in my opinion,” she noted, “so [I’m] definitely going to put him up there. Also wrestling-wise, I would probably say Giulia from STARDOM. Her gear, just everything, she always looks so cool. So definitely inspired by her.

“I’ll do some non-wrestling as well. I have to say Britney [Spears]. I mean, oh my gosh, they’re just so iconic,” she stated. “A lot of my gear is inspired by different outfits that she has. And I’d also say Cher for several reasons.”

Read More: B3CCA: ‘Fans Bring The Weapons’ Match Has Blood, Some Glitter And Lots Of Thumbtacks