Cena Talks More About Airplane Incident, Takes Shot At Miz

The following are some new tweets from the official Twitter page of WWE Superstar John Cena:

A Cena fan wrote this one:

“csheehan2 @JohnCena they didn’t want you taking up two seats? Why should it matter if you paid for them?”

Cena replied to that fan tweet with this one:

“Interesting business model….get what u pay for. Hmmmmm. That seems way 2 “forward thinking” for SouthWest.”

Then there was this one:

“Shun no biggie. Im over it. So happy bout WrestleMania! Ill use my frustrations to kick liz’s teeth out. He’s still a Dauwsh. :)”

Also, Cena received this fan tweet:

” _Meecy @JohnCena These Airlines seem to Hate you..Why don’t you just whip the Hyundai back out and Cruise to the Dome instead? #JustaThought :)”

Cena replied to that with this tweet:

“Best idea I’ve heard in a while. :)”

And finally, Cena corrected a previous spelling error and took another shot at Miz with this one:

“Ahhhh spell check. Contrary to previous tweet. I will kick MIZ’s teeth out. 🙂 he is a Dauwsh. Liz would kick my a** and ask for seconds. ;)”

Follow more Cena tweets on Twitter @ JohnCena.