WWE RAW Results (12/27) – Punk Responds, Joins Nexus!

Melina & Alicia Fox vs Eve Torres & Gail Kim

Alicia punches Eve then Eve rolls over her shoulder, but Alicia keeps on the offensive and hits Eve again and tags in Melina. She hits running knees in the corner then Eve is able to shove her off and tags in Gail, who hits some running kicks, and a missile dropkick off the top rope but Alicia breaks up the pinfall. Eve and Alicia keep fighting as they fall outside, and Melina recovers and hits the Sunset Split legdrop to pick up the win for her team.

After the match, Natalya gets in the ring and confronts her, and Melina backs off and tries to shake hands and make up, and Natalya reluctantly agrees. Melina tries to hit Natalya but she blocks it and punches her back with a hard right hand.

Winners – Melina & Alicia Fox

Punk approaches some trainers in the back and says he needs them and the EMT’s to be ready, because it won’t be his responsibility for what happens to Cena. He says it will be up to the medical people, and it will be up to the WWE Universe to help Cena after he confronts him tonight.

Daniel Bryan (w/ The Bella Twins) vs Zack Ryder

This match got started during the commercial break (stupid, WWE) and Ryder has control, and he gets hiptossed, but recovers and kicks Bryan in the corner then tries for a backslide, but Bryan counters and puts him in the LeBell Lock and makes Ryder tap out. 

Winner – Daniel Bryan


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