Complete TNA Impact Results (12/23): 8 Man Tag Title Match

World Tag Team Title Match: Matt Morgan, Rob Van Dam & Motor City Machine Guns vs Jeff Hardy, Abyss & Beer Money

Okay, to explain what we’re looking at here, the title is on the line and if anyone on the babyface side gets the win, the Guns retain and if anyone on the Immortal side wins, Beer Money regain the title. The match starts after we come back from commercial.

Okay, we’re back and James Storm is beating up Rob Van Dam, but Van Dam hits a pair of spinkicks to turn the tide. He high kicks Storm in the face and tags in Matt Morgan, who goes for a slam but Storm slips out the back and gets a Codebreaker. Storm tags Roode in and they whips Morgan into the ropes, but Morgan bursts through their double clothesline attempt and hits a high crossbody on both men, then sends Roode to the corner for the rapid fire elbows. Roode tries coming off the second rope but Morgan catches him and hits a fallaway slam. Chris Sabin tags in and he and Shelley hit a series of fast-paced moves on Roode and Sabin covers for 2. Shelley tags in and goes for Sliced Bread #2, but Storm trips him up from the outside and hits a neckbreaker. Storm with a big right hand on Shelley and then tags in Abyss who waylays Shelley with some heavy blows. Abyss drives Shelley into the corner and repeatedly bashes him in the head with right hands and hits a running splash in the corner. Jeff Hardy tags in and gets an inverted atomic drop and the double groin legdrop on Shelley, then spits at Van Dam and when RVD tries to come in, Hardy drags Shelley to the corner and the Immortal teams stomps Shelley down 4-on-1. Hardy tags back out to Abyss and Shelley tries to dive for the tag, but Abyss grabs his ankle and drags him back. Shelley tries firing back with several rights and lefts, but Abyss shuts him down with one big forearm and tags in Roode, who hits a snapmare and a kneedrop for 2. Roode tags in Storm and they hit a double suplex and do the BEER…MONEY! thing and then Storm stomps on Shelley’s hand. Storm picks Shelley up for the Eye Of The Storm, but Shelley slips out and hits an enziguiri and both men are down. Shelley slowly crawls over but Hardy tags himself in and pulls Shelley back to the middle of the ring and gets a rear chinlock that comes dangerously close to a choke as Impact goes off the air.

Okay, we’re into Reaction now and Shelley is fighting out of Hardy’s chinlock and tags in RVD, and Jeff Hardy literally runs across the ring and tags Robert Roode and dives out of the ring. RVD clears out Beer Money and Abyss by himself and hits Rolling Thunder on Roode for a very close 2. Storm nails RVD and whips him into the ropes, but Sabin gets a blind tag and hits a springboard clothesline on Roode and then everybody comes in and hits a big move on someone else until it’s down to RVD and Hardy. RVD goes after Hardy again but Roode comes out of nowhere and hits a spinebuster on RVD and tosses him to the floor. Hardy tries to nail RVD but Shelley dives onto Hardy and then comes back in the ring for a sequence with Robert Roode but Sabin hits a diving tornado DDT off the top rope and covers Roode for the win.

Winners: Rob Van Dam, Matt Morgan & Motor City Machine Guns

Morgan and the Guns celebrate in the ring as RVD chases Hardy to the back.