THQ Issues Free WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2011 Screenshots

As part of its major global promotion for the WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2011 video game, THQ has released a series of free screenshots from the game, showing top WWE superstars in action. From Rey Mysterio diving off the top rope to The Undertaker’s tombstone piledriver, the THQ screenshots are available for download and wallpaper to all fans, even if they haven’t purchased the video game yet. HHH hits the Pedigree, Bret Hart’s legendary entrance pose … these 15 screenshots are yours to keep!

To access the free screenshots, CLICK HERE!


In part 3 of this weeks Chair Shot Reality…HHH set to return at Rumble, Angle to have his last match ever back in the WWE, Team 3D one of the best tag teams ever and much more!

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