WWE RAW Results (9/13) – Cena vs Orton, RAW Roulette

Steel Cage Handicap Match

Chris Jericho vs The Hart Dynasty

The Harts go to work on Jericho for a bit and then they start climbing the cage. Smith gets out and Jericho stops Kidd momentarily, but he gets hit with a crossbody off the ropes. Jericho recovers and throws Kidd into the cage then rubs his face on the side of it. Jericho hits a side suplex then kicks him but Kidd makes a comeback and throws Jericho into the corner. 

Jericho tries running up the cage but Kidd stops him and leaps at him, but Jericho blocks it and tries going for the Walls. Kidd rolls out and tries putting on the Sharpshooter, but Jericho makes it to the ropes and he kicks Kidd away from him. Kidd leapfrogs Jericho and starts climbing, but Jericho grabs him and they fight on the top rope. Kidd tries a hurricanrana, but Jericho lands on his feet holding Kidd, and makes him tap out to the Walls of Jericho.

Winner – Chris Jericho

Trading Places Match

Goldust vs William Regal

Regal does the Goldust taunt, and Goldust pulls out a pair of brass knuckles and knocks out Regal. He makes the cover and leaves Regal laying in the ring.

Winner – Goldust