WWE RAW Results (8/23) – Who Is The New #1 Contender?

Josh Mathews finds Sheamus in the back and asks him why he walked out on the triple threat match. Sheamus said he saw enough of Orton, and he has made his decision on who his opponent will be. Sheamus says the world will find out in a few minutes when he walks out to the ring and tells everyone.

When Sheamus gets in the ring and he says he has been thinking about it for awhile, and he has a huge announcement to make tonight. He says he won’t wait until Night of Champions because he will defend his title now. He says the reason he is WWE Champion is because of opportunity, and he is making a new #1 contender, and his next opponent is… Zack Ryder. Ryder comes out and says he wants to thank Sheamus for the opportunity, but he just made the biggest mistake of his life. Woo woo woo, you know it.  

WWE Championship Match

Zack Ryder vs Sheamus (c)

The ref rings the bell and Sheamus hits the Brogue Kick and makes the pin.

Winner – Sheamus

Sheamus grabs the mic and says that was impressive, but now he wants to go over some rules, and says he doesn’t have to defend for another 30 days. He says he is talking the night off at Night of Champions, and might even go back to Ireland and … he gets interrupted by Wade Barrett. Barrett says he is right, he doesn’t have to defend, but Barrett won NXT, so he gets a shot at a PPV of his choice, and he is taking it at Night of Champions. Cole interrupts again, and he says this email states that Sheamus will defend against Barrett, but that isn’t all. The GM says Sheamus spoke of opportunity, and he will give that same opportunity to four other superstars in a Six Pack Challenge. The other participants will be Chris Jericho, Randy Orton, Edge and John Cena.

Each one of them makes their way down to the ring and they all surround Sheamus and stare him down. Sheamus shoves Barrett into the middle and they all circle him like Nexus has been doing for weeks. They all start beating him down and Sheamus tosses him out of the ring then turns right around into a Codebreaker by Jericho. Edge hits Jericho with a spear, then Cena hits him with an Attitude Adjustment, and Orton finally RKO’s him to end the show.


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