Carlito’s Father Claims Painkiller Abuse Is Why WWE Cut Him recently conducted an interview with Carlos Colon, Carlito’s Father. Below is an excerpt from the interview, which is in Spanish, however I have loosely translated it for English speaking readers:

“Deseo aclarar que Carly no fue suspendido por uso de cocaína, ni de heroína o marihuana, sino por  abuso de “painkillers” (fármacos para el dolor), que no es algo fuera de lo  común en los luchadores debido a los dolores que provocan las caídas y los golpes, combinado con los viajes constantes. Carly empezó usando una o dos para sus dolores de espalda, pero ya parece que la situación se ha tornado mucho más seria y necesita ayuda.”


"Carlito was not released [from WWE] due to cocaine, heroin or marijuana use, but rather for abuse of painkillers, which is not uncommon for wrestlers to use due to the amount of pain caused by the falls and hits the wrestlers take combined with all the traveling. Carlito began using one or two pain killers for back pain, but it appears that the situation became much more serious and he needed help."