Full Recap of Eric Bischoff Fan Questions From 2/27 to 3/18

Thanks to Marty Hotts for sending this in:

These are the key questions and answers from Bischoff’s fan page (http://bit.ly/ericbischoff). He talks about last week’s rating, says he enjoys working with TNA creative team, comments on McMahon, takes it out on Honky Tonk Man and lashes out on numerous fans in the process.


March 18, 2010


Eric is not going to respond to anyhting negative to his product, so kiss his ass and tell him TNA is great. kinda contradicting for a guy who claims to be Mr. Contoversy

Eric Bischoff: John…I avoid meaningless IWC rants. Come up with an original thoght/critcism or point of view and you might get a response. Otherwise youre just another mindless voice in the dark.

what do you think will get more buys next weekend UFC 111 or WM 26?

Eric Bischoff: Haven’t been following UFC buy rates, so not sure my opinion is valid, but I doubt the current UFC 111 card is strong enough to draw more buys than WM. WM is getting a ton of mainstream pub., is a bonafide pop cultural event that spands 2 generations of wrestling fans. I would put my money on WM.

TNA needs to go three hours on Monday screw backing down go after WWE harder. TNA has a better show. My years in business when you get pushed and put down you push back 5 times as hard.


Eric Bischoff: Three hours of back to back television in the soundatge in Orlando would be a crowd killer no matter how good the shows are…good thought but not a practical long term strategy IMO.