ECW on SyFy Results (2/16): New & Final Champion Crowned

Christian gets on the mic before the match and he says that it was a year ago he debuted on ECW. A lot of people said that he should have made a bigger impact and ECW was a demotion. Christian says that he has been doing this for 15 years and this feels like home. He was given the ball and the chance to run it. He was given the chance to face Tommy Dreamer, mentor up and coming superstars like Yoshi Tatsu. He says that he did most of it as the ECW Champion. He points out that he is the longest reigning current champion. He is fighting for everyone who wanted to make these three letters mean something. He is fighting for everyone in the back. He says that ECW goes away forever tonight but he will always be proud to be part of something great. He will be proud to be known as the last champion in ECW history.

We go to commercial.

We are back and the next set are CM Punk who will be mentoring Darren Young.

Match Number Two: Christian with Son of New Jack’s Buggy versus Ezekiel Jackson with William Regal in an Extreme Rules Match for the ECW Title

They lock up and Zeke sends Christian forcefully to the mat. They lock up again and Zeke with a knee to the midsection followed by a punch. Jackson misses a clothesline and elbow and Christian with a punch and then he sends Jackson to the floor. Jackson pulls Christian to the floor and he connects with forearms before returning to the ring. Jackson throws weapons into the ring and Christian punches Jackson on the apron and then he hits Zeke’s hand with a kendo stick.

From out of nowhere, Zack Ryder comes to the ring and he hits Christian from behind. Christian with a flapjack onto the trash can and then he throws Zack out of the ring. Rose Mendes comes out and she slaps Christian. Tiffany runs to the ring and spears Rosa and removes her from the ring. We go to commercial.

We are back and Jackson with a back elbow and forearm to the back. Jackson with an Irish whip but Christian with an elbow and then he goes up top but Jackson pushes Christian to the floor. Jackson moves the ring steps and he slams Christian’s head into the steps. Jackson wants to use the trash can but Christian moves his head from the steps. Christian with a drop kick from the stairs into the trash can in front of Jackson’s face. Jackson sends Christian into the steps and then he throws Christian’s weapons into the ring and he runs the shopping cart at Christian but Christian moves. Jackson sends Christian into the shopping cart and then he rolls Christian into the ring and gets a near fall. Jackson has the trash can lid but misses and Christian hits the pendulum kick into the lid and then he hits a cross body from the top for a near fall. Christian grabs the trash can but Jackson with a body block and a near fall. Regal tells Jackson to get a table but Christian with a baseball slide into the table and Jackson and Regal are down. Christian sends the table into the ring and then he rolls Jackson in and gets a near fall. Jackson drops Christian on the table and gets a near fall. Jackson with a forearm to Christian and then he puts Christian on the turnbuckles. Jackson goes to set up the table and Christian waits on the turnbuckles for Jackson to set up for a superplex but Christian blocks it. Jackson avoids a tornado DDT through the table. Christian hits Jackson with the kendo stick and then he chases Regal away. Christian limps back into the ring and he hits Jackson in the leg with the kendo stick. Christian with a back elbow from the turnbuckles. Regal hits Christian from behind but Christian with a Killswitch to Regal. Jackson hits the uranage through the table and gets the three count.

Winner: Ezekiel Jackson

Before we go off the air, we see Ezekiel Jackson celebrate in the ring with William Regal.

It is time for the final pairing and it is R Truth mentoring David Otunga.

Turn out the lights on ECW.