WWE Raw Results – January 25th, 2010

Segment: Vince Addresses Bret Hart/Cena Interupts

Vince McMahon walks out to the ring and we see a replay of last week where the Undertaker called him a coward.  Vince says that if Undertaker was here tonight, he would call him out to the ring, look him in the eye, and dare him to call him a coward.  He says nothing could be further from the truth because let’s face it, there’s not one good reason why he would bring Bret Hart back.  He says that Economics 101 says that you buy low and sell high.  He tells the crowd that they had forgotten about Bret Hart until Shawn Michaels forced him to bring Bret back.  He then asks rhetorically if there’s a reason to bring Bret back and the crowd starts a "We want Bret" chant.  He then tells them to be careful what they ask for and to listen to this announcement: Bret Hart will never be back in a WWE ring.  He says that he’s a businessman. 

The crowd boos and he starts mocking them about being smart.  He gets out and starts interviewing fans about why they think Bret should return.  One guy says that Bret would beat him down in the ring.  Another kid says that he’s awesome.  Another guy acted stupid and Vince said that he proved his point.  He gets back into the ring and says that he didn’t hear one good business reason to bring Bret back and that’s because there’s not.  Bret is apart of the past and he’s concerned with the present and the future.  He then thanks them for their concern and their kindness, but before he can leave, John Cena’s music hits.

John Cena says he’s not out here to chance Vince McMahon’s mind.  He says that he never had a problem with Vince until recently.  He reminds Vince McMahon of the gum analogy he made about Bret Hart and also remembers how Vince treated Roddy Piper.  Cena says that he had a lot of help building the empire that he’s created from people like Piper and Hart.  He then throws them away whenever he wants and Cena asks him if that’s how he feels about people like HBK, Undertaker, Batista, and him.  Vince says he doesn’t know what he’s talking.  Cena says that Vince just uses people to line his pockets.  He says that Vince isn’t a coward, he’s pathetic.  Vince asks what he called him and Cena says he heard him.  He then challenges Vince to invite Bret to Raw next week to face him man to man and if he doesn’t, he’ll prove his point.  Cena then adds that if Vince doesn’t do that, he’s going to find him on his 90th birthday, pick him up out of his wheelchair, and punch his false teeth down his throat.

Cena walks out and before he gets halfway up the ramp, Vince tells him to start.  He says that he’s going to invite Bret to Raw next week.  He’s going to call him out to the ring, face to face, and he’s not even going to flinch.  Cena smiles, but Vince McMahon then announces that he’s in a match tonight against the man that took his WWE Championship away from him…Sheamus.  Cena looks happy about it and we cut to break.