Word For Word Transcript Of TNA Post-Show Presser

…continued from page three
Fifth guest is ODB. She talks about winning the "Knocked Up" champ. She says "I won it, bam… two times". Next question is who would you defend the title up against. ODB says someone new, she’s up for a new challenge. If you  can wrestle any woman in the world, she hesitated and said she would keep it a secret and would not tell. Any parting thoughts? She said she would like to say it was a pleasure working with Hulk tonight, jokes aside, it’s about TNA right now – we don’t need to compete with anyone else. When she was a fan, you never knew what was going to happen on Monday Night in either company. If someone gets fired, they can show up someone else. ODB says she is ready for Hogan but the question is "Is Hogan ready for ODB? Bam Bitch".
Sixth guest is Homicide.
Q: It was probably the strangest ending in an X Division match we hav e seen in quite some time. Can you talk about what happened out there tonight?
Homicide says he wants to perform and win the match. Jeff Hardy didn’t mind his business. Welcome back and said that Homicide will get some beating on Jeff.
Q: Before the altercation with Jeff, can you talk about the match, the baton.
There are 7 bums, and he’s the greatest wrestler in TNA. They’re not athletic with him. He said the Terrordome, the others didn’t survive.
Any other thoughts. Homicide said it was a great thing for Hogan coming to TNA. But for Hogan to remember is Homicide as he will make an impact in 2010. Homicide said the only competition he wants with TNA is the X-Division/No Limits. He said he only cares about the competition on TNA and getting back his belt back to Brooklyn.
Any final words for Jeff Hardy: he said he was going to win the Terrordome and that Hardy should watch his back.
The rest of the show ended with Matt Morgan/Hernandez and The Pope D’Angelo Dinero with some kayfabe-type interviews promoting feuds and their characters.


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