WWE Raw Results – January 4th, 2010

DX vs JeriShow
Tag Team Championship

As the match starts, Hornswoggle climbs under the ring.  Shawn and Big Show start the match off with Big Show taking the early advantage.  Shawn makes a quick tag though and they try a double suplex, but Show reverses.  They go out of the ing and we take an early commercial.


We’re back and JeriShow has the advantage.  Big Show comes in and Hunter tries to take control with a knee drop, but Big Show hits a sidewalk slam.  Big Show then steps on Hunter’s chest, hits a leg drop and goes for a cover but only gets a two count.  He keeps pounding Hunter with headbutts before tagging in Jericho.  Jericho comes in and steps on the back of Hunter’s neck while he’s on the second ropes.  He taunts the crowd (and TNA) by doing the Hogan ear motion toward the crowd.  He applies an armbar headlock and Hunter slowly rises back to his feet.  Jericho charges, but Hunter nails the spinebuster. 

They both go for the tag, but Hunter can’t make his before Big Show comes and stomps on him.  He hits a bodyslam and goes to the second rope.  He tries a splash, but Hunter moves.  Hunter makes the hot tag and he comes in firing on Show with chops.  He then hits some running shoulder blocks, but Big Show won’t go down.  He does a dropkick to the legs and he finally does.  Shawn hits Jericho off the apron and then goes to the top turnbuckle.  Before he can leap, Jericho comes up and hits him to where he straddles the top rope.  Hornswoggle runs in and frogsplashes Big Show.  Shawn goes for a cover, but only gets two.

He fires up the band in the corner, but Show catches his leg and delives a huge chokeslam.  Pin, but only a two count.  Jericho gets tagged in and tries his moonsault, but HBK puts his knees up.  He tags in Hunter and Hunter hits the Pedigree.  Cover, but Big Show breaks it up.  He picks Shawn up for a chokeslam, but Hunter breaks it up.  They double Pedigree Show and he rolls out.  Jericho tries a quick roll up on Hunter, but a two count.  Hunter barely comes to his senses before Jericho lands a Codebreaker.  They are both down and the ref starts counting to ten.  Jericho covers, but Shawn breaks it up.  Hornswoggle comes back in and starts tuning up the band as well.  He tries to kick Jericho, but he kicks him in the hand.  Hunter tries the Pedigree, but Jericho reverses and attempts the Walls of Jericho.  Superkick by Shawn Michaels and the cover and three count by Hunter.



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