WWE Raw Results – January 4th, 2010

After The Match: Hunter gets on the mic and tells Chris it’s over for him on Raw.  Shawn then says that if he’s not down with that, they have two words for him… 

We cut to the back and someone is knocking on McMahon’s door.  McMahon answers and we finally see that it’s Randy Orton.  Orton says he has an offer for McMahon.  He doesn’t know how McMahon plans on confronting Bret, but…Vince cuts him off and says that Bret spitting in his face is nothing compared to what Randy Orton has done to him and his family.  Orton says even still, what he does to Kofi tonight is nothing compared to what he will do to Bret.  McMahon asks what’s in it for him.  He wants the #30 spot in the Royal Rumble.  McMahon says that he has his own security and don’t ever confront him again.  Orton starts walking off and he’s met by Legacy.  They tell him "thank you" for last week and they want to return the favor.  If he doesn’t beat Kofi Kingston tonight, they will kick him out of Legacy and beat the hell out of him. 


Sheamus comes out and says that last week, John Cena couldn’t beat him.  He can make all the excuses he wants, but Sheamus did exactly what he said he would.  The last image was him standing over Cena’s body, still WWE Champion.  He says his next title match is at the Royal Rumble and he will not be defending it against John Cena.  He wants a new challenge.  He says that Bret was right when he said he’s the best there ever was.  The best there ever is and the best there ever will be belongs to him.  Evan Bourne then interupts and comes out.   He takes the mic from Sheamus and rolls out of the ring.  He says that the only reason Sheamus has that title is that someone gave him the opportunity.  He says that he knows he can beat Sheamus if he’s giving the opportunity right now.  Sheamus mocks him and tells a ref to get in here so they can have the match right now.  He then says that if Bourne can beat him now, he’ll put his title up against him at the Rumble.

Sheamus vs Evan Bourne

Bourne comes out firing with kicks immediately and even hits the Air Bourne within a minute of the match, but Sheamus kicks out.  Bourne goes back up top, but Sheamus catches him and slams him.  Sheamus hits the big boot and the Razor’s Edge finisher.  Pin and three count.

WINNER: Sheamus

They remember Dr. Death Steve Williams and go to break.