WWE Raw Results – December 14th, 2009

Back from break, CM Punk has a microphone in the ring.  He says he had a list of people to thank but he didn’t think the crowd would be respectful enough to be quiet and listen.  He does want to thank himself though.  He says that he’s the only person brave enough to speak the truth and he doesn’t care if it’s what they want to hear.  He said his biggest moment this year was getting rid of Jeff Hardy forever and now, he’s the first ever straight-edge Slammy award winner.  It’s also only right that he goes on to take his rightful position as superstar of the year.  John Cena’s music hits and he comes out.

John Cena vs CM Punk
"Superstar of the Year" Tournament Match

The bell sounds and they lock up.  Cena hits a shoulder block and Punk follows with a dropkick.  Pin attempt but only one.  Punk whips Cena into the corner and follows with a running knee.  Another pin attempt, but only one again.  He then applies an armbar.  Cena rises back to his feet and kicks him in the stomach.  He charges Punk, and Punk goes for the "Go To Sleep", but Cena reverses into the STF submission.  Punk taps.

WINNER: John Cena

After The Match: Cena gets a microphone and congratulates Sheamus on his title win last night.  He apologizes to anyone he might have let down last night.  He says sometimes you can try so hard for something and prepare a lot for something and still fail.  And anytime you fail, it causes sadness and disappointment.  Cena continues by saying no matter how big the failure and the setback, you have to move on and overcome it.  He says that some people may have lost faith in him and they have the right to do so.  But he’s not talking to them.  He’s talking to the people who still believe in him and stand in his corner.  They haven’t given up on him and he will not give up on them.  He says that what happened at TLC will never happen again and his road to WrestleMania starts right now.  He can’t be stopped.  He declares that he will not lose another match until he once again becomes WWE Champion.



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