WWE RAW Results – August 31, 2009

WWE RAW Results - August 31, 2009WWE RAW Results — PAGE FOUR

August 31, 2009

Report By: Matt Boone for WrestleZone.com

Backstage: Cody Rhodes & Randy Orton

Backstage we see Ted DiBiase and Cody Rhodes. DiBiase asks him if he really wants to go through with this. Rhodes says when DiBiase’s dad was host he got a nice spotlight, tonight he’s going to make the most of this opportunity. Randy Orton walks in and asks Cody if he’s really going through with this. Rhodes says yes. Orton says just like you said earlier, no matter what happens in this ring tonight – it’s only business, not personal.

Backstage: Dusty Rhodes & D-X Talk History

We see Hulk Hogan and Kevin Nash’s infamous "one finger touch" match on Nitro from the WCW DVD. The camera pulls back and Dusty and D-X are watching the DVD. Dusty says WCW’s Rise and Fall, that’s where the Fall started. HBK asks him how he let that happen. He says he didn’t. They continue to re-talk about history. Dusty asks HBK about some incidents from their past. HBK over-acting acts offended and tells them two to have a good time as he walks off. HHH tells Dusty that HBK is just mad he wasn’t part of the Attitude Era. HHH says whoever dressed up Marc Mero like Little Richard was an idiot. Dusty says it was his idea. HBK storms back in and over-acting complains that the Attitude Era was half-his idea and he storms off again in a huff.

United States Title:

(Fatal Fourway)

-Jack Swagger vs. Carlito vs. The Miz vs. Kofi Kingston

United States Title:

(Fatal Fourway)

-Jack Swagger vs. Carlito vs. The Miz vs. Kofi Kingston

The rules of the match are all four men compete at the same time, no tagging in and out. The first man to secure a pinfall or submission will become the new U.S. champion. The bell rings and The Miz immediately goes to the floor and just stands there. The other three start the match. Carlito dropkicks Swagger out of the ring. Carlito tries to pin Kofi but Miz runs in and breaks up the count. Now Miz is stomping away at Kofi. A loud "Kofi" chant breaks out. All guys are sent over the top except Kofi, who is in the ring by himself. Kingston does a huge dive over the top onto all guys on the floor. We head to a mid-match commercial. We return from commercial and Swagger has Kofi in a single-leg boston crab. The other two are on the floor. We see Miz lurking around the ring. Miz finally comes in and knees Swagger in the face to break the hold. He hits Swagger with a neckbreaker. Miz whips Kofi into the corner, as he comes running in – Carlito comes in with a missle dropkick on Miz. Kingston with a big splash on Miz and pins him but Swagger breaks up the count. Swagger hits the running Vader-bomb move on Carlito. He tries the same with Miz but Miz gets his knees up. Kofi bodyslams Miz on top of Swagger. He hits his People’s Elbow/Ballin thing. Each guy hits their finisher, with Kofi hitting his last on Carlito for the pinfall and the victory.

Winner and STILL U.S. champion: Kofi Kingston

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