WWE RAW Results – August 24, 2009

WWE RAW Results - August 24, 2009WWE RAW Results — PAGE FIVE

Las Vegas, Nevada

August 24, 2009

Report By: Matt Boone for WrestleZone.com

-A video package airs showing highlights from the SummerSlam Fan Axxess event this past weekend.

Backstage: Vince w/ Mayweather, Carlito & D-X

Backstage Vince McMahon is hitting the pads held by Floyd Mayweather. He asks Mayweather who would of won in their prime – Vince or Muhammad Ali. Mayweather laughs. Carlito interupts and calls Mayweather a bad host for not putting him on the show. Mayweather dismisses him. D-X comes in and tells Vince that Carlito was trying to get busy with his daughter. Vince knocks out Carlito. HHH says he was just joking. HBK says "now that was cool!" Mayweather tells Vince to keep hitting the pads. We head back to commercial.


No Disqualification Match:

-Vince McMahon & D-X vs. Randy Orton & Legacy

D-X is out first. They come out and throw green glowsticks around the crowd. Vince McMahon comes strutting out next. Randy Orton’s theme hits and out he comes with Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase. HHH back body-drops HBK onto Legacy as a pile on the floor. Vince McMahon and Cody Rhodes start things off. Vince quickly tags in HHH. HHH hits a couple moves on Rhodes and tags in HBK. Orton and DiBiase are still laid out from the HBK spot. HHH and HBK throw Rhodes onto Orton and DiBiase on the floor just as they were finally getting up. We head to a mid-match commercial. We return from commercial and DiBiase had HHH in a rear chin-lock. HHH counters with a DDT. Both guys are down now trying to make the tag. HHH makes the tag to HBK who comes in like a ball of fire. HBK lays DiBiase out and then clears Orton and Rhodes off the apron. HBK with an atomic drop on DiBiase and now he heads to the top rope. He comes down with his vintage elbow drop. Rhodes hits HBK from behind with a bulldog. DiBiase holds HBK’s leg and tags in Orton. Orton stomping away at HBK. Orton dominating the action. HBK continues to take a beating. Orton with a long chokehold spot on HBK. HBK finally fires up and hits a back-breaker on Orton to break the hold. Both guys down. Orton tags in Rhodes who runs over and knocks HHH and Vince off the apron before HBK can make the tag. HBK finally makes the hot tag to HHH. HHH comes in and is throwing Cody Rhodes all over the place. Vince asks HHH for the tag. HHH hits Rhodes with the pedigree and then tags Vince in. Vince comes in and immediately pins Rhodes but Orton breaks up the pin. Orton sets up Vince for the punt but HBK stops him at the very last second. HHH hits the ring as well and Orton backs off. As he backs up the aisle John Cena’s music hits and out comes Cena standing his ground, so Orton cannot run. Cena charges at Orton and throws him back in the ring. HBK hits him with Sweet Chin Music. Cena hits him with the Attitude Adjustment. Vince pins Orton, because it was a no disqualification match, and he and D-X win the match.

Winners: Vince McMahon & D-Generation X

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