JR Speaks on Comments He Made Following Lance Cade’s Release

Below are highlights of Jim Ross’ latest blog, and you can read all of it at JRsBarBQ.com:

JR on his comments made toward Lance Cade following his WWE release: “I also received a few emails asking me to respond to an internet interview that Lance Cade did where he described my blog as ‘cryptic’ which at times it may be. That may be a kind way of describing my writing. Nonetheless for those of you that recall, I expressed my disappointment in what occurred with Lance and that I hoped to see him back in the WWE someday.

“I think Lance has great potential which I made clear at the time. My intent on writing about it was based on so much erroneous info on why Lance and the WWE parted company and I never meant it as a sign of disrespect directed at a young man that I stated then that I liked and that I still do. Lance has certainly taken the hand that was dealt to him like a man and with that type of attitude he will be just fine going forward. The business doesn’t have an over abundance of men with Lance Cade’s size and athletic ability who actually knows what he’s doing from bell to bell. In hindsight, I wish I had simply ignored the issue and the fans who were emailing me.”