Due to the unforeseen events of the past week, WWE has been forced to alter several upcoming European tour dates. The shows, however, will still go on.
Here is a listing of the changes:
The Nottingham show originally scheduled for Nov. 21 will now be held on Nov. 19 at noon.
The Coventry show originally scheduled for Nov. 22 will now be held on Nov. 19 at noon.
The Livorno show on Nov. 19 will now start at 9 p.m., rather than its original start time of 8 p.m.
WWE.com also did a long interview with Nunzio after he won the Cruiserweight title on the first show in Italy at the Sports Palace of Rome.
WWEShop.com is selling Eddie Guerrero t-shirts for $20 and all proceeds will be going to the family. The shirt features a really nice visage of the former WWE champion on the front with his trademark “Viva La Raza” on the back.