TNA Star Says He Nearly Ended The Undertaker’s WM Streak

Kurt AngleIn a recent interview conducted for The UK Sun, TNA star Kurt Angle revealed that early plans for WrestleMania in 2006 called for him to defeat The Undertaker and end "the streak." "It was considered back in 2006," Angle said. "The person who wanted to do it was Undertaker himself. I was flattered, for him to go to Vince McMahon and pitch it. Undertaker at that point never had a five-star Wrestlemania moment match.

He figured that the only one he could do it was me, at the time. Thank God a couple of years later he had Shawn Michaels, and it worked. But Undertaker really wanted to have that match, he asked Vince to push our match back from No Way Out to WrestleMania and, since I was champion they wanted me to keep the title, Undertaker was willing to take the loss."


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