TNA “Destination X” PPV Results – July 10, 2011

Ultimate X Match: Alex Shelley vs. Shannon Moore vs. Robbie E. vs. Amazing Red (Winner is #1 contender to X-Division title)

Tenay says Red has competed in five Ultimate X matches and has won one. Red is on the offense early but Shelley slows hmi down. Shelley acting kind of heelish with Red. Moore hits an Asai moonsault on Robbie E. Red nearly grabs the X symbol but is stopped. Red hits a crazy plancha onto Moore and Shelley on the floor. Robbie goes for the win but is cut off. All guys climb up on the wires. In the end, Shelley unhooks the X and falls below to win the match. Afterwards, Sabin walks down the ramp and holds up Shelley’s hand. They pose with the X symbol.

Winner: Alex Shelley

Backstage: So Cal Val Interviews Low Ki

Backstage, So Cal Val interviews Low Ki. Low Ki says he’s made a career out of proving that he belongs and that he’s not too small. He says pro wrestling still matters in TNA.

Rob Van Dam vs. Jerry Lynn

The fans do dueling chants for both guys to start the match. RVD fans get louder. Lynn is controlling the action in the early goings. Van Dam is making a comeback. RVD gets in some good offense before Lynn slows him down and takes control again. Lynn brings a chair into the ring, but the ref warns him not to use it. RVD tries to kick the chair into Lynn but he avoids it and slams RVD on it instead. RVD’s eye is bleeding. Lynn powerbombs RVD off the ropes onto the chair in the middle of the ring for a convincing nearfall. RVD catches Lynn with a big kick out of nowhere. RVD follows up with a Five Star Frogsplash and a pinfall for the clean victory.

Winner: Rob Van Dam

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