Chair Shot Reality

WWE Smackdown Results – October 14, 2011

Results By: Matt Boone for

WWE Smackdown Opener:

The show opens in Dallas, Texas with a video recap shown of Big Show’s return last week. Directly following the regular opening video airs as the pyro goes off in the arena and Josh Matthews, Michael Cole, and Booker T welcome the audience to tonight’s taping of Smackdown! They announce the largest battle royal ever with 41 men, and that the winner would get a title match this evening. The RAW wrestlers make their way down to their music, directly followed by the Smackdown wrestlers coming down to their music.

41-Man Battle Royal (For a Title Shot)

A lot of confusion in the beginning of this battle royal. Lots of back and forth between the Smackdown fighters and the Raw fighters, Cody Rhodes being the very first to be eliminated. Commercial break ends and comes back to more confusion with about 20 men left in the ring. Drew McIntyre and Primo are eliminated. Focus starts around Sheamus who eliminates Sin Cara. Sheamus hits a nice kick on The Miz who had just eliminated CM Punk from the battle royal. CM Punk had already eliminated R-Truth. Christian comes out of nowhere and eliminates Sheamus who chases him up the ramp and into the back. Randy Orton is left in the ring and hits an RKO on everybody and eliminates them one by one. The Miz finds his way back into the ring and attempts to eliminate Orton, but Orton is able to hold strong. Orton and Miz are seen battling it out on the apron. The Miz hits Randy Orton into the post which gives Orton the opportunity to hit an RKO on the apron. Both men fall to the floor, The Miz hitting first, making Randy Orton the winner of the 41-man battle royal

Winner: Randy Orton

After The Match

Josh Matthews is shown speaking to Randy Orton. Matthews asks Orton what title he plans to challenge for. Orton says, “the World Heavyweight Championship” which is currently held by Mark Henry.

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