WWE Survivor Series Results (11/20) – New WWE Champion, Did The Rock & John Cena Work Together?

Wade Barrett joins Matt Striker to talk about his victory, and Wade says he is unstoppable and the reason he was here is to become England's first WWE Champion. Miz comes up at interrupts him, and Truth asks him if it is about him, and Wade says it is and Charlie Sheen calls it winning. He leaves and Miz mocks Cena and the Rock, and Truth wants to know why they don't have a bus, then says all the pigeons outside were looking at Cena and Rock posters. Truth says he yelled at the pidgeons and asks if Striker knows what they said back, but he said they can't talk and they are full of crap. Miz says the Rock and Cena are full of crap and Truth says crap is gonna get got.

WWE Championship
CM Punk vs Alberto Del Rio (c) (w/ Ricardo Rodriguez)

Punk ties Alberto up near the ropes then hits a crossbody for two, and Alberto hits a shoulder block but Punk leapfrogs him off the ropes and hiptosses him to the mat. He twists Alberto's arm and tries to apply an armbar but Alberto slides out and strategizes with Ricardo on the floor before getting in and tying up with Punk again. He goes for a break but repeatedly kicks Punk, then backs up but Punk moves and kicks him then whips him across the ring and dropkicks him. Alberto calls for a break again and goes to the floor, but Punk hits a suicide dive then rolls Alberto back in and jumps up and hits a top rope crossbody block for a two count.

Punk goes back to work on Alberto's arm, but Alberto drop toe holds him into the ropes and distracts the ref while Ricardo smacks Punk in the face. Punk chases him around the ring but Alberto dives on him on the other side, then slams his arm off the ring steps before rolling him back inside. Alberto goes to the top rope and connects with an axe handle smash, then applies an armlock but Punk hiptosses him to the corner. He goes for a GTS but Alberto jumps on Punk's shoulder, and applies an elevated armbar but Punk makes it to his feet. Alberto headbutts him and hits a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker for a two count, goes back to the top turnbuckle and hits a forearm shot. (Cont'd…)


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