WWE Smackdown Results (11/29) – Live Special Spreads Holiday Cheer, Did Mark Henry Retain His Championship?

The Bellas are talking about what to get Alberto for Christmas and Ricardo asks them to dinner but they tell him to go get some more eggnog. Roddy and Dusty are talking before Mick comes back in and asks what Hornswoggle what he wants, but he can't understand him. Sheamus says he wants to talk, and Mick says he will give him a holiday hug that will make his wish come true, then Hornswoggle says thank you Santa. He can't believe it and runs around yelling things in the room and calls Vickie Guerrero a grandma and gets into an "Excuse Me" fight with her. Hornswoggle runs over to Dusty and says he is talking, then runs out of the room as Mick Foley comes in out of costume and asks what is going on. They all hear some walking on the roof and wonder who just made Hornswoggle's wish come true… 

Daniel Bryan is shown warming up for his match and AJ approaches him and tells him he knows he can do it and kisses him for luck. Matt Striker comes in and asks him what he is thinking about the biggest match of his career, and Bryan says Henry might be stronger, but he is also hurting. He tells Striker that eventually everyone taps out and last week felt like a dream, but it becomes a reality tonight.

Steel Cage Match for the World Heavyweight Championship
Daniel Bryan vs Mark Henry (c)

Bryan goes right for the cage wall but Henry pulls him down and tries to corner him, then Bryan kicks his leg but Henry shoves him back. He throws Bryan's head into the side of the cage then splashes him into it as we go to a commercial. When we return, Henry is in control after slingshotting Bryan into the cage then he puts him in a nerve hold to keep him grounded. Bryan is able to kick his way out but Henry kicks him right back to the mat and tells the ref to open the cage door. Bryan charges him and dropkicks him in the back, but Henry turns around and hits a huge lariat and gets a close two count then goes towards the door again. (Cont'd…)


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