Ring Ka King

Complete 2/12 Ring Ka King Results: #1 Contender’s Match

Show starts with a tag match between Bollywood Boys & Mumbai Cats in the run-up to tag championship- Bollywood Boys won the match which was an ok match.

Locker Room- Ram interviews Morgan on title win while Harbhajan comes in and congratulates him.

Match 2, the No.1 title contender match between Isiah Cash & Roscoe Jackson- While Jackson was entering Jwala comes in and attacks him of which Cash takes an advantage. But Jackson put up a strong fight after having been down for most of the match. But Cash won the match in the end.

Locker Room- Scott Steiner, Sonjay Dutt & Brutus Magnus talking to their mysterious boss.

Backstage- Ram interviews Hollywood & Broadway.

Jazzy’s office: Harbhajan & Jazzy are being interviewed by Ram. Harbajan leaves and the dwarf Zoaravar comes in to plead Jazzy to take him in but they laugh it off. Zoravar warns them that when his small brother will come, he will take care of everyone.

American Adonis (with Shera) comes to the ring to challenge to break his Adonis lock and says that he has increased the money to Rs. 5 lakhs (5 millions). A person named Bijoy comes up to accept the challenge but then he fails. Veera comes up to the ring and says he will break the lock but American Adonis moves out stating that on one day he takes up only one challenge.

Locker Room- Ram interviews Chavo & Hart.

Match 3 between Chavo & Hart and Hollywood & Broadway- The match was won by Chavo & Hart, it was a good back and forth high flying match. Both teams gave it all.

Next week’s matches: SF line-up- Magnus & Dutt VS Bollywood Boys and Chavo & Hart VS The Sheiks. In addition we will hear from Morgan & Cash on their title match.


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