Impact Wrestling Results (3/15) – Storm/Gunner, Kurt Angle’s Open Challenge, Sting Shows Roode He Is Ready

Gunner (w/ Bully Ray) vs James Storm

Storm punches Gunner until he ducks under the ropes, then Gunner pokes him in the eye but Storm comes back with a big boot and a clothesline. Gunner rolls out to the floor but Storm follows him and Gunner cheap shots him then they trade more punches back in the ring. Gunner pulls Storm down by the hair and puts him in a chinlock, then Storm fights back with a right hand and a diving clothesline. Storm hits some running clotheslines and a backdrop, then hits Closing Time and the Last Call to pick up the win. Bully Ray continues to run his mouth and runs to the ring, and Storm readies himself for a fight but Bully backs off and says he'll get his chance in three more days.

Winner – James Storm

Sting and Bobby Roode come out for their contract signing, and they sign immediately but Roode takes the mic and says he remembers becoming champion like it was yesterday. He says Sting has had it out for him since that day, and he thinks Sting is jealous and asks him if he remembers beating Ric Flair for his first championship. Roode says he was a fan and Sting sees himself in Roode, but Roode is better than him in every way. He says Sting's ego causes him to steal the spotlight from younger people, and Roode asks him to step away because the business has passed him by.

Roode runs him down and says Sting doesn't have what it takes anymore and asks what he thinks and says he can't believe Sting is at a loss for words. He takes his title and starts to leave, but Sting flips the table over and kicks a chair before smearing some paint on his face. Roode says this doesn't scare him, but Sting wipes it on Roode's face then screams in his face before beating him up in the corner and smearing more facepaint on him. Sting kicks him all over the ring then screams again before clotheslining him out of the ring and throwing a chair at him as Impact ends.

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