WWE “Money In The Bank” PPV Results – July 15, 2012

WWE Money in the Bank

WWE “Money In The Bank” 2012

Results by Matt Boone for WrestleZone.com

WWE “Money In The Bank” Pre-Show:

The free pre-show begins with the announcers previewing and hyping tonight’s top matches.

They announce the CM Punk-Daniel Bryan match will be a No Disqualification match.

Backstage: Zack Ryder, Santino Marella & Damien Sandow

Backstage we see Zack Ryder and Santino Marella talking. Ryder wishes Santino good luck on winning the Money In The Bank match tonight. Santino shows off a mini-briefcase for his Cobra. Damien Sandow comes in and talks-down to the guys. Ryder calls him an arrogant jackass. Santino makes a couple jokes. Sandow mocks Ryder for beating him in the qualifying match.

WWE Tag-Team Titles: Hunico & Camacho vs. Kofi Kingston & R-Truth

The champions Kofi Kingston and R-Truth come out first. Out next are the challengers, Hunico and Camacho. R-Truth and Huncio start things off. They each do a little dance. Truth knocks Sandow down. The music of Hunico and Camacho seemingly plays on accident while the match is going on. It stops after a few seconds. Truth tags in Kingston. Kingston comes off the top, flying onto Hunico for a nearfall. After some double-team action, Hunico tags in and the heels are in control now for the first time in the match. Hunico and Camaco utilize some quick-tags to remain in control for several minutes. After being dominated for a while, Kingston finally hits a huracanrana to slow things down. He makes the hot tag to Truth, who comes in a ball of fire. He beats up the heels for a while. Truth hits a DDT and scores the pinfall. The tag-champs retain.

Winners and STILL WWE Tag-Team Champions: Kofi Kingston & R-Truth