WWE RAW Results (8/13) – Summerslam Heats Up, Piper’s Pit Returns, Cena/Punk At Odds, Brock Attacks HBK

Heyman makes fun of Shawn and Texans for a bit, then Shawn comes out and they wait for him to speak, but HHH finally arrives and heads to the ring. HHH gets in Brock's face and signs the contract, then Brock signs it and throws it back at HHH before he leaves the ring. Brock and Heyman circle the ring and taunt HHH, then they back up the ramp as HHH glares back at them. HHH and Shawn eventually head backstage and Shawn says he needs to get something off his chest right now. Shawn says he's been in the ring with the best, but Brock is on a different level and HHH asks if Shawn is doubting him. Shawn says he believes in him, but he needs to win on his own and Shawn tells him his heart is in this and walks away.

Matt Striker catches up with Big Show and asks him for his final thoughts before Summerslam, but Striker runs to the parking lot when they hear horns blaring. Paul Heyman cuts off Shawn Michaels in his car and apologizes for almost hitting him, but Brock runs up behind Shawn and drags him out of his car. Brock says he told Shawn he would get him, then the camera man gets knocked down and we hear a scuffle and screaming as the camera goes black. We come back from a break to see a group of Superstars standing around Shawn's wrecked car, and HHH looks at all the broken glass and asks what the hell is going on. AJ walks over and a panicked HHH asks for answers, then they tell him Brock beat him up and abducted him off so HHH runs back to the arena.

Brock comes out to the ring with Shawn over his shoulders, then he throws him in the ring and hits an F5 as Shawn tries to stagger to his feet. Brock puts him in an armbar and threatens to break his arm, then HHH runs out but Heyman tells him to stop. Heyman says Brock will break his arm if HHH gets any closer, then HHH stops at the bottom of the ramp but Brock snaps his arm anyways. HHH rushes into the ring and chases Brock, but Brock gets away and HHH checks on Shawn. HHH tells Brock to come back, then Shawn holds his arm and screams at everyone to get away from him as HHH screams at Brock to come back.

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