WWE Smackdown Results (9/7) – New Tag Title Contenders, Wade Barrett Returns, Booker T Bans Brogue Kick

Sheamus vs David Otunga

Alberto Del Rio joins the commentary team before the bell rings, then Sheamus knees Otunga in the face and sends him into the ropes. Otunga tries to reverse it but Sheamus hiptosses him and sends him in the corner, then Otunga throws him onto the apron and hits him a few times. Otunga pulls him in and gets a near fall, but Sheamus comes back with a double axe handle smash and a knee to the face. He ties Otunga in the ropes and clubs him in the chest, then he hits White Noise and calls for a Brogue Kick.

Booker T comes out and tells him to stop, and he needs to ban the Brogue Kick due to all the evidence presented to him. He tells them to carry on but Sheamus looks pissed, then Alberto laughs at him and walks around ringside. Otunga attacks Sheamus from behind but Sheamus comes back with a Texas Cloverleaf, and Sheamus makes him immediately tap to get the win. Sheamus raises his title in the air as Alberto taunts him from the ramp, but Sheamus smiles and puts his arms in the air as the show ends. 

Winner – Sheamus

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