WWE Night Of Champions Results (9/16) – New Champions Crowned, Ziggler/Orton, Title Match Ends In Controversy

Dolph Ziggler (w/ Vickie Guerrero) vs Randy Orton

Orton ties up with Dolph and breaks out of a side headlock, then Dolph hits a shoulder block and taunts Orton while Vickie laughs on the floor. Orton puts him in a side headlock and Dolph shoves him into ropes, so Orton hits a shoulder block of his own and follows up by stomping him in the back. He drops Dolph with some uppercuts but Dolph comes back with a drop toe hold into the ropes, then he hits a dropkick for a near fall. Dolph pulls him up and they start slugging it out, then Dolph drops him with a neckbreaker for a near fall and elbows him in the head. Orton blocks a suplex attempt and follows with a springboard suplex of his own, then he hits a backbreaker and some clotheslines before following with a spinning powerslam.

Dolph rolls to the apron but Orton sets up a hanging DDT, and Dolph counters with a rollup but Orton comes back with a DDT. Orton sets Dolph up on the top rope and punches him in the head, then he sets up a superplex but Dolph punches him a few times and shoves him off the ropes. Dolph hits a missile dropkick for a near fall, then he snaps Orton's head on the top rope and stomps him in the chest. Dolph hits some repeated elbow drops for a near fall, then he applies a headlock but Orton makes it to his feet and breaks the hold with a side suplex. Orton goes after Dolph in the corner and gets caught with an elbow, then Dolph knocks him down and puts him back in a headlock on the mat.

Orton breaks it again and follows with a dropkick, then Dolph hits a surprise DDT for a near fall and sets an attack on the tope rope. Orton crotches him on the ropes and hits a superplex for a near fall, then they trade several punches before Orton headbutts him, but Dolph stuns him with an elbow. Dolph hits the ropes but Orton knocks him down, then Dolph surprises him with a legdrop bulldog for two and goes for a Zig Zag. Orton counters and throws him outside, then Orton hits a hanging DDT on the barricade, and he rolls Dolph in and calls for a RKO. Dolph counters and goes for a sleeperhold but Orton throws him over his shoulder, then Dolph runs towards him but Orton catches him with a RKO for the win. 

Winner – Randy Orton


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