TNA Bound for Glory Results (10/14) – New Champions, Aces & Eights Member Revealed, Storm Gets Vengeance & More!

TNA World Heavyweight Championship

Austin Aries (c) vs. Jeff Hardy

The crowd is 80% behind the Champion, as his attempts to get them to hate him have obviously not worked. There are even some "Hardy sucks" chants, and the crowd is audibly unhappy whenever he gains the advantage. As such, Aries works a lot of the early going, controlling the pace of the match with headlocks and sidelock takedowns. The two break up and start again in the middle of the ring, but Aries backs off to go lay on the ring ropes and pose. Hardy doesn't take kindly to this, and sends Aries out of the ring with a baseball slide. 

Hardy bounces the Champion off anything in his path, and eventually whips him into the guardrail. Hardy looks around and sees the ring steps, which he then uses to hit Poetry in Motion into the rail! He rolls them both back into the ring and tries for Whisper in the WInd, but Aries rolled out of the way. The Champ hits three consecutive running knees into Hardy's back, before choking him in the second rope and throwing him into the corner. Aries goes for a corner splash but Hardy sneaks out and hits a dropkick of his own. With Aries on the mat, Hardy goes up top for a big top rope splash, but the WOrld Champion gets his knees up, and both men are down. 

Austin Aries tries to control the match again with side headlocks, but Hardy rolls it through for a two-count. Aries fires away with kick after kick, and the crowd is finally back to abotu a 50/50 split for both competitors in this match. Aries gets frustrated that nothing he does can put away his main event challenger. He even goes up top and hits a corkscrew splash off the ropes, but can't put Hardy away! Aries hooks in the front headlock and tries to float over for the last chancery, but Hardy grabs his leg and blocks the hold. Hardy comes out of nowhere with some crazy, inovative powerbomb…to facebuster…thing. You're going to want to look that up, I can't even describe it appropriately. 

Hardy is in full control now, hitting his signature split leg drop kick following by a kick to the jaw for the Champion. Hardy sends him into the corner and lands Whisper in the Wind, but only gets two. Austin Aries manages to battle back, and dumps his opponent to the outside. Areis flies through the ropes and lands on Hardy! The crowd chants "one more time", and the Champion runs back in the ring and does it again! He rolls Hardy into the ring, but again…only gets a two count. Aries is busted open, presumably from landing head-first into the gate. Aries locks in the last chancery finally, but Hardy gets to the ropes. 

The two go out to the elevated ramp, and Aries tries for the Brainbuster, but Hardy floats over; Aries quickly rushes him against the ropes with a clothesline takedown though. Austin hangs Hardy from the second rope and drops him skull-first with an inverted DDT. They roll back in the ring, and Aries whips Hardy's near-lifeless body into the corner, but somebody he gets the knees up and Aries goes flying back! Hardy with the Twist of Fate! 1…2…NO! Hardy goes up for the Swanton, but Aries leaps to the top rope and lands a "jumping toprope super hurricanrana", as Tenay calls it. Aries is looking to put this away once and for all now, and hits the Brainbuster. That should be it, but Hardy somehow kicks out one more time! Aries can't believe it, and the Champion is at a loss for what to do now. 

Austin Aries triest to put Hardy in the tree of woe, and hit a double foot stomp, but he pulls himself out of danger just in time. Hardy with a stunner-esk move, followed by the Twist of Fate. Hardy goes up top, hits the Swanton Bomb, and we have a new Champion!

Winner, and NEW CHAMPION: Jeff Hardy

Jeff Hardy celebrates in the ring with the TNA World Title, and Taz puts over Aries saying he has nothing to be ashamed of for that match, as Bound for Glory goes off the air.